不僅如此金珀在中醫里還具有安神定氣的作用,因此人們就會把金珀放在枕頭邊以幫助人們擁有充足的睡眠。It can attract wealth for us. Wearing it can also drive away evil spirits and negative energy for us.
Gold per because of its bright color, showy and attractive, since ancient times known as "wealth stone", can bring wealth and good fortune. Jin Po also has a magical aura, in line with Buddhism, tantric practice can get the symbol of "financial benefits grain". Kim Po can also highlight open and aboveboard, frank and honest character, enhance trust and affinity.
Not only that, but in Traditional Chinese medicine it has a calming and calming effect, so people put it on their pillows to help people get enough sleep
因為“金”是值錢的物品,自古被稱為“財石”的金珀象征著財富的積累,財源滾滾,很適合做生意的人佩戴。Pure natural amber pendant, wrapped tens of millions of years ago a grain of pollen
It was formed in the early Eocene epoch of the Eogene, more than 50 million years ago
Gold is a very lively and brilliant color, it reminds people of golden autumn, rich fruit, so it is the color of abundance, joy and happiness
Because "gold" is a valuable item, since ancient times known as the "wealth stone" of the gold is a symbol of the accumulation of wealth, exchequer billow, very suitable for business people to wear.
植物珀平安扣由玉雕名家玉雕師精選波羅的海琥珀雕刻而成,此作品從外觀設計、手工雕琢到打磨拋光,皆由玉雕師嚴格把控。玉雕師借物寓意,通過精心的設計雕琢,用作品表達出了對人生的美好祝愿和愿景。我們不僅可以從此件作品中感受到玉雕師賦予它的美好靈魂與非凡意境,還可以通過作品觸摸到玉雕師的匠心與熱誠。The plant Perping pin is carved from the Baltic amber carefully selected by the jade carvers. This work is strictly controlled by the jade carvers from appearance design, hand carving to polishing. Jade carving division borrow the implied meaning, through the elaborate design and carving, with the works to express a good wish and vision of life. We can not only feel the beautiful soul and extraordinary artistic conception bestowed by the jade carver in this piece of work, but also touch the ingenuity and heat of the jade carver through the work