A history and culture of coinage in Qing Dynasty is an important part of the coin history of 5,000 years. In the 12th year of Tongzhi (1873), Tongzhi Emperor was in charge, and in the 13th year of Tongzhi (1875), he died in hall of mental cultivation, the palace, at the age of 19, which was the shortest among the twelve emperors of Qing Dynasty. The silver coin "Fu Jian Gong Jin Tong Zhi Emperor" occurred in 1866-1867 after the two Opium Wars, that is, five or six years after the Emperor Tong Zhi ascended the throne, but it was not officially issued and circulated. Its birth is just a flash in the pan, especially precious.
此幣同治皇帝福健恭進銀元正面是同治皇帝像,背面鐫刻“同治皇帝福健恭進”八字,雙龍首尾包圍,畫龍點睛,威武無比。回聲清亮,余韻悠長,包漿自然,邊齒整齊自然,紋理清晰。因鑄錢鑄期很短,鑄量有限,不屬流通幣,存世量稀少,已經成為今天錢幣收藏領域的新寵兒和稀罕之物! 許多人沒見過這種銀幣,就武斷地說是臆造幣、現代工藝品等。在《克勞斯世界稀有硬幣目錄》中有這種銀幣的收錄,書中記載了這種銀幣兩種版本,這是其中的一種版式。從歷史文化和經濟價值方面都是非常值得收藏的。
This coin, Tongzhi Emperor Fujian Gongjin Silver Dollar, has an image of Tongzhi Emperor on the front and eight characters of "Tongzhi Emperor Fujian Gongjin" engraved on the back. It is surrounded by Ssangyong fore and aft, making the finishing point, and it is extremely mighty. The echo is clear, the aftertaste is long, the patina is natural, the side teeth are neat and natural, and the texture is clear. Because of the short casting period and limited casting amount, it is not a currency in circulation, and it has become a new darling and rarity in the field of coin collection today! Many people have never seen this kind of silver coin, so they arbitrarily say it is self-made coins, modern handicrafts and so on. This kind of silver coin is included in Klaus' Catalogue of Rare Coins in the World, which records two versions of this silver coin, which is one of the formats. It is worth collecting in terms of history, culture and economic value.
Therefore, this kind of silver coin is not in circulation, and its casting period is very short, and its casting amount is limited, so it is extremely rare to flow into the people, and it is even rarer in the market now. The Tongzhi emperor Fujian Gongjin silver coin has become the darling and rarity in the field of coin collection today.