The military government of sichuan copper COINS evolved from sichuan copper COINS. The earliest copper COINS were minted in the 28th year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty (1902). In the twenty-ninth year of the reign of emperor guangxu (1903), sichuan copper yuan bureau was established. The factory is the machinery bureau's copper press plant and the old copper money factory, the casting material is the machinery bureau's waste shell edge slag and baochuan bureau copper, sulfur refining. According to the copper 96%, lead 0.1% and other proportion to cast "when five", "when ten" copper dollar. The cast copper is made of red copper and the quantity is better. So that the sichuan copper became one of the characteristics of the national copper.
The military government made sichuan copper COINS during the 1911 revolution. In December 1911, the "chengdu rebellion" took place, and the sichuan military government with Yin changheng and luo lun as chief and deputy governors replaced the 12-day-old han military government in sichuan. At the beginning of the construction of the new military government in sichuan province, it was faced with a financial crisis of increasing demands and increasing expenditure. Military junta quickly accepted the sichuan chengdu mint, the resolution minted "sichuan copper COINS" in case of emergency. In April of the first year of the republic of China (1912), the mint in chengdu, sichuan province, on the orders of the military government of sichuan, began to mold and cast "military government made sichuan copper COINS" (also known as "han" character copper yuan).
Compared with the founding commemorative COINS of sun xiang and the silver COINS of yuan xiang, the military government made sichuan copper COINS with a narrow circulation range, the amount of circulation and the number of natural can not be compared with the former two. For this reason, fewer people are exposed to the sea, and fewer researchers. But this does not mean that the research value and market value of the ocean is not high, has always been the economic law and the collection of the first to "things to rare as the standard" law. As a special currency of special historical period and local regime, military junta currency has dual functions of military currency and civil currency, is the product of history, has irreplaceable cultural relic value, and is the witness of history.
此枚四川銅幣,此錢幣筆跡明晰,品相保存良好,錢幣正面珠圈內書“四川銅幣”,圈外上書“軍政府造”,下環分別鐫有幣值“當制錢二十文”,背面珠圈內繪有篆書“漢”,上環鐫“中華民國三年”。且此枚錢幣是枚錯版幣,背面角度旋轉錯印 稱為錯版錢幣 ,錢幣經歷了時間長河的顛沛流離,被歷史賦予了銅銹,只要處理得當,仍可恢復其當年風采。極具研究以及收藏價值。
This Sichuan copper coin has clear handwriting and well-preserved appearance. The coin is inscribed with "Sichuan Copper Coin" in the front bead circle and "Made by the Military Government" in the outside circle, with the currency value "When making money" inscribed on the lower ring, the seal script "Han" on the back bead circle and "Three Years of the Republic of China" inscribed on the upper ring. Moreover, this coin is a wrong edition coin, and the wrong printing of the back angle is called a wrong edition coin. The coin has gone through a long time of drift and has been given bronze rust by history, so long as it is handled properly, it can still restore its current style. It is of great research and collection value.
Every coin with wrong edition is unique, and the probability of wrong edition like this is even more impossible, which shows its preciousness and high collection value! Its market value is immeasurable.
Ancient coins are one of the important cultural relics in China. Through the study of silver and copper coins, we can reflect the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance in China, and such coins are in a special historical background, which is worth collecting and studying. It is also an important part of this historical galaxy. Because of its specific historical period, it occupies an important place in the history of coins. Moreover, the material is precious, the artistic value is high, and it is made of precious metal or silver alloy. It has exquisite production, exquisite design, delicate writing, rich content, bright silver light and lovely appearance. It also has certain functions of maintaining and appreciating value.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.