林良(1436-1487),明代畫家。字以善,南海人。活躍于正統至弘治年間。因善畫而被薦入宮廷,授工部營繕所丞,后任錦衣衛指揮、鎮撫,值仁智殿。擅花鳥,題材也多為鷹、雁、鶴、鷺、孔雀、錦雞以及蒼松古木、寒塘蘆荻等。有《灌木集禽圖》《雙鷹圖》《松鶴圖》等傳世。 林良早期所作設色花果翎毛,畫法工細精巧,后來師承南宋放縱簡括一路,變為水墨粗筆寫意,取得突出成就。在表現技法上,挺健豪爽的筆法,既有迅捷飛動之勢,又比較沉重穩練;在運筆頓挫之間,講求規矩法度。后人評論他的畫風是用筆遒勁,如作草書。他的水墨寫意花鳥畫,在當時上追南宋院體,競尚艷麗工巧的宮廷畫風中獨樹一幟,故頗為當時人所推重,對明代中期的花鳥畫風產生了較大影響。
Lin Liang (1436-1487) was a painter in Ming Dynasty. Words are good, Nanhai people. Active from orthodox to Hongzhi. He was recommended to the court because he was good at painting. He was trained by the Ministry of Industry and Works, and later served as the commander of Royal Guards, Zhenfu, and valued Renzhi Hall. He is good at flowers and birds, and his subjects are eagles, geese, cranes, herons, peacocks, golden pheasants, pines and ancient trees, cold pond reeds and so on. There are "Shrub Birds Collection Map", "Double Eagle Map", "Songhe Map" and so on. In the early days, Lin Liang painted flowers, fruits and feathers, and his paintings were exquisite. Later, he inherited the Southern Song Dynasty's indulgence and simplicity, and became a freehand brushwork in ink and made outstanding achievements. In terms of performance techniques, it is quite healthy and bold, which has the trend of swift and flying, and is relatively heavy and steady; Be particular about rules and regulations between the blunders in writing. Later generations commented on his style of painting, which was vigorous with a pen, such as cursive writing. His freehand painting of flowers and birds with ink was unique in the court painting style of catching up with the Southern Song Dynasty, competing for beauty and skill at that time, so it was highly valued by people at that time and had a great influence on the painting style of flowers and birds in the middle Ming Dynasty.
In ancient China, phoenix was used as a metaphor for the emperor. Later, Jackie Chan represented the emperor and phoenix represented the queen. But both the former and the latter symbolize the royal family. Therefore, the theme of "Hundred Birds Toward the Phoenix" is universal, which means the monarch is bright, the river is clear, and the world is attached. This painting is not only a tribute to the emperor and the court by court painters, but also a record of the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people at that time.
The theme of "A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix" is taken from a popular folk Shinhwa: It is said that Phoenix was a simple bird, which worked tirelessly all the year round. In the drought year, it saved all kinds of birds dying of starvation with the fruits of its hard work. In return for saving their lives, the birds chose the most beautiful feather from their own bodies and dedicated it to Phoenix, which became a beautiful, noble and holy bird and was honored as the king of birds. It will be worshipped and congratulated by birds on its birthday.
This collection is a masterpiece by painter Lin Liang. This painting is more meticulous and colorful, especially realistic. Rows of geese, flocks of magpies, pairs of mandarin ducks, yellow cranes that stand out from the crowd, playful Luyan, and eagle guards in the painting can all be composed independently. Among them, a group of cranes, one of which is a yellow crane, stands out from the rest. The two most important phoenixes in the painting are graceful and dignified, with gorgeous colors, dynamic and elegant feathers and charming and magical demeanor. At the end of the volume, the eagle is guarded, and its feathers are cross-dyed layer by layer, with a firm texture. The willows fluttering in the wind are tender, beautiful and graceful, and the phoenix-bearing phoenix tree is prosperous and luxuriant, with pieces of tung leaves, which are similar in shape and color difference, but harmonious and unified. The overall bearing is magnificent, colorful and highly collectible.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這幅字畫是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這幅字畫參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此幅字畫委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
This collection is now on sale on the platform of the online art mall. According to the treasure holder, this calligraphy and painting was handed down from the ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a peerless boutique. When our company learned that it has this rare treasure, we invited it to take this calligraphy and painting to participate. Now, due to the difficulty of capital turnover, the treasure holder. I am willing to entrust this calligraphy and painting to our company to find buyers through online media. If you are interested in collecting this collection, you can call the company's telephone number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.