After years of brewing in the coin market, the coin trading market, which is dominated by mechanism coins, is quietly warming up. Copper coins are a big category of coin collection, and different versions of copper coins have their unique charm, which deserves investors' careful taste. In the market transactions of ancient coins, the copper coins of the Republic of China are favored and become the focus of many collectors.
1911年辛亥革命勝利后,清帝退位,中華民國成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統,并在頒布的“臨時大總統令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”,隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 “中華民國開國紀念幣”銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。這就是"中華民國開國紀念幣"銅元的由來。
After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of China's democratic revolution, took office as the provisional president of the Republic of China, and proposed in the "Provisional Presidential Decree" that "a new model should be published and commemorative coins should be drummed". Subsequently, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in casting the "Founding Commemorative Coin of the Republic of China", which was mainly issued in ten denominations to replace the Qing Dynasty copper coins. This is the origin of the copper coin, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China.
Double-flag coins came into being in the Republic of China, which only existed for decades in Chinese history. Therefore, it is not easy for coins to remain intact after endless years in the era of war and chaos. It has high cultural relics collection value, historical and cultural value and art appraisal value.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.