近年來,中國的收藏界風起云涌,很多藏品大幅升值,而其中升值最快的、升值幅度最大的品種之一便是錢幣,而古錢幣收藏大軍也不斷壯大。有業內人員認為, 古錢幣市場已經紅火了十幾年,未來總的趨勢是不會發生變化的。特別是在互聯網商務發展之后,對古錢幣收藏、交易都有很大的推動作用。
In recent years, China's collection industry has been surging, and many collections have greatly appreciated. Among them, one of the varieties with the fastest appreciation and the largest appreciation rate is coins, and the army of ancient coins collection is also growing. Some people in the industry believe that the ancient coin market has been flourishing for more than ten years, and the general trend in the future will not change. Especially after the development of Internet commerce, it has a great role in promoting the collection and trading of ancient coins.
In 1920, after the Hunan army expelled Zhang Jingyao, Hunan governor of Beiyang warlords, Tan Yanchen did not fulfill his promise that "after the war, the general power will be handed over to Zhao hengti". He still held the three posts of governor, governor and commander-in-chief of the Hunan army. As a result, the contradictions among Tan Yanchen, Zhao hengti and Cheng Qian became increasingly serious. Tan felt that it was difficult for him to monopolize the military and political power In the past, under the guise of "returning government to the people", the government of Hunan and "autonomy of Hunan Province" were mentioned again, advocating "rule by the people" and "election of Governors by the people", so as to maintain the separatist regime of one province externally, ease factional contradictions internally and win over the hearts of the people. On July 22, the Sui Dynasty issued a "message" in the name of the people of Hunan Province, which made and argued that all provinces should formulate provincial constitutions, abolish governors, elect governors by the people, implement inter provincial autonomy on the basis of provincial autonomy, and adopt federalism to unify the whole country in the future. In order to achieve his goal of establishing a virtual government and implementing warlord separatism. From September to October, Tan Yanchen carried out the activities of "autonomy" and "constitution making" run by the government, set up a constitutional preparatory office, held a constitutional assembly of the provincial officials and gentry, drafted a constitution of Hunan Province, and implemented his political ideas into the provincial constitution. However, in late November, when the constitution was not formally implemented, Zhao hengti and Cheng Qian united in Changsha to suppress Tan Yanchen from power and leave Hunan. After becoming the commander-in-chief and acting governor of the Hunan army, Zhao hengti still announced that he would "inherit the former governor's legacy regulations", and continue to improve the unfinished constitution of Hunan Province by Tan Yanchen, and create a theoretical basis for the Warlord's separatist rule.
此幣為中華民國十一年湖南省憲成立紀念雙旗幣,由中華民國十一年(1922年)湖南造幣廠鑄造發行。錢幣保存完整,有自然磨損痕跡,包漿自然醇厚,為民國初期機制銀元精品,具有很高的收藏價值。錢幣正面中央鐫稻穗組成的嘉禾圖案,寓意豐民足歲。中間的三橫圖案很有特色,既代表民國十一年一月一日省憲成立日的三個“一”,也寓意三湘之地即“湘中、湘南和湘西”,珠圈外上環書 “湖南省憲成立紀念幣”,下鐫“中華民國十一年一月一日”字樣,左右兩側分別鐫幣值“當甘”字樣;背面中央圖案為“十九星鐵血旗”和“五色民國旗”交叉而立,上方攜“團菊花”旗后有纓帶,雙旗寓意全國一統與民族大團結,上環為英文標注“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”,下為英文標注為“TWENTYCASH”。
This coin is a double-flag coin commemorating the founding of Hunan Constitution in the 11th year of the Republic of China, which was issued by Hunan Mint in the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922). Coins are well preserved, with traces of natural wear and tear, and the patina is naturally mellow. They are fine silver coins in the early Republic of China and have high collection value. Golden harvest pattern composed of rice ears inscribed in the front center of the coin means that the people are rich and full of years old. The three horizontal patterns in the middle are very distinctive, which not only represent the three "ones" on January 1, 1999, but also mean the land of Sanxiang, namely "central Hunan, southern Hunan and western Hunan". The book "Commemorative Coin for the Establishment of Hunan Constitution" is written on the outside of the bead circle, and the words "January 1, 1999" are inscribed on the left and right sides respectively. On the back, the central pattern is "Nineteen Stars Iron Flag" and "Five Colors National Flag" crossing each other, with the flag of "Tuanjuhua" on the top and a tassel belt behind it. The double flag symbolizes national unity and national unity. The upper ring is marked with "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" in English, and the lower ring is marked with "TWENTYCASH" in English.
The collection has exquisite design, fine workmanship, rich ornamentation, reasonable layout, distinct levels, smooth and elegant lines, exquisite craftsmanship and high artistic value. Since silver dollar was issued and circulated in China for only half a century, it was only a very short moment in the long history of Chinese currency. However, Chinese silver dollar witnessed the historical process of China's evolution from feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, and it is an important part of China's modern monetary history and numismatics, with unique historical significance. Although coins are small, they can also reflect the social and cultural characteristics at that time, which is of great collection significance and profound value.
As an investment behavior of preserving and increasing the value of money collection, its investment benefit is often more significant than other projects, and its value-added range is also higher than other investments. Its particularity lies in that money is not only a material existence, but also a crystallization of monetary history and culture. It can be used as a kind of material wealth savings, but also as an art to appreciate and study. Compared with the downturn of domestic art market, the auction situation of money market is much more active. In particular, in the development environment of the endless emergence of high-quality coins in various regions, the sky high transaction price of rare coins has become one of the most common phenomena in the shooting field. People with investment minds will find that the sudden rise of machine-made coins, in today's market with frequent highlights of collections, is particularly favored by high-end collectors, so it has become a focus in the field of coin shooting.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.