崇寧通寶是北宋徽宗趙佶崇寧年間(1102-1106年)始鑄,年號錢。有崇寧通寶、崇寧重寶和崇寧元寶三種。崇寧通寶當十型,錢文為徽宗親書,所以又其為御書錢。錢體厚重,青銅質,銹色古舊,開門的老生坑。之所以謂之大字版,是因此品錢文四字飽滿,寄廓接緣。“寶、寧”二字冠點長且向左傾;長點“崇”;斜丁“寧”;高走“通”等,與被公認的各譜均載的大字“崇寧通寶”雷同。除錢徑略小外,輪廓寬窄、 穿孔大小、成色亦基本一致。被世人公認為中國鑄幣史上四個高峰期之一,它從幣材、鑄造工藝、錢文、版別到合金配比等方面,均達到了巔峰。而此時期最有代表性的又首推崇寧通寶,它是宋徽宗皇帝親筆御書。
Chongning Tongbao was first cast in Chongning period (1102-1106) of Huizong Zhao Ji in Northern Song Dynasty. There are three types: Chongning Tongbao, Chongning Chongbao and Chongning Yuanbao. Chongning Tongbao is the tenth type, and Qian Wen is the pro-book of Huizong, so it is the imperial book money. The money is heavy, bronze, rusty and old, and it is an old pit with open doors. The reason why it is called the Chinese version is that the word Qian Wen is full, and it is connected with the outline. The word "Bao and Ning" has a long crown and leans to the left; Long point "worship"; Oblique Ding "Ning"; Taking "Tong" high and so on is similar to the recognized Chinese character "Chongning Tongbao". In addition to the slightly smaller diameter, the outline width, perforation size and color are basically the same. It is recognized by the world as one of the four peak periods in the history of Chinese coinage, and it has reached its peak in terms of coin material, casting process, Qian Wen, edition and alloy ratio. In this period, the most representative one was Chongning Tongbao, which was written by Emperor Song Huizong personally.
宋徽宗在位期間,十分癡迷于書法和繪畫,于是令人先后鑄造了許多圖案非常精美的錢幣。時至今天,我們熟悉的崇寧重寶就是廣為流傳的珍貴錢幣之一,除了崇寧重寶之外,圣宋通寶、大觀通寶、宣和通寶、重和通寶等,也是出自于宋徽宗年間、流通面非常廣的錢幣幣種。 值得一提的是,宋徽宗本人“性甚機巧,擅長技藝”,因此,他本人親書的瘦金體,也成為錢幣鑄造的模板之一,崇寧重寶和大觀重寶的錢文就出自于宋徽宗本人字體。
During Song Huizong's reign, he was obsessed with calligraphy and painting, so many coins with exquisite patterns were minted one after another. Up to now, Chongning Heavy Treasure, which we are familiar with, is one of the precious coins widely circulated. Besides Chongning Heavy Treasure, Shengsong Tongbao, Daguan Tongbao, Xuanhe Tongbao, Zhonghe Tongbao, etc., are also coin currencies that originated in Song Huizong and have a wide circulation. It is worth mentioning that Song Huizong himself is "very skillful in nature and good at skills". Therefore, his thin gold body, which is close to books, has also become one of the templates for coin casting. The Qian Wen of Chongning Chongbao and Daguan Chongbao comes from Song Huizong's own fonts.
此崇寧通寶,正面為“崇寧通寶”四字旋讀,崇寧重寶“一筆崇”。此版式錢的明顯特征是錢文“崇”字中豎自上而下,一筆貫穿; 這是崇寧錢里比較特異的一種版別,從其寫法來看有違于常規和法式,但其書法的韻味仍較為濃厚,當是“崇”字寫法的一種變體。此版式錢存世稀見,不易得之。
This Chongning Tongbao, on the front side, is the four-character pronunciation of "Chongning Tongbao", and Chongning attaches great importance to "a stroke of worship". The obvious feature of this format of money is that the word "Chong" in Qian Wen runs through it from top to bottom; This is a special edition in Chongning's money, which is contrary to the convention and French style in terms of its writing style, but its calligraphy has a strong lasting appeal, and it should be regarded as a variant of the writing style of "Chong". Money in this format is rare in the world, so it is hard to get it.
This Qian Wen calligraphy is handsome, skinny, with iron strokes and silver hooks, and its elegant brushwork is extraordinary, which is the true manifestation of the thin gold calligraphy style of Huizong Zhao Ji remaining in the world. Chongning Tongbao is one of the two most valuable coins in bronze money. This Chongning Tongbao is a rare treasure. Although it has experienced more than 900 years of historical vicissitudes, its appearance is still excellent, and it is really rare among rare products.
For thousands of years, ancient coins have gone through vicissitudes, the number of surviving coins is getting smaller and smaller, and the investment value is rising day by day. In recent ten years, the market price of ancient coins has been rising together, especially some Chinese and antique ancient coins are very popular, and by 2018, they have appeared surprisingly. Chongning coins conquered the world because of its beautiful Qian Wen and exquisite casting, which made many ancient coin lovers put it down.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.