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大明宣德三年,明宣宗朱瞻基心血來潮參與設計和監造銅香爐,是中國歷史上第一次運用風磨銅鑄造的銅器,并在爐底鐫著“大明宣德爐”款識,簡稱“宣爐”。 正是因為宣德爐做工精細,造型美,耗材貴,十分珍稀,從鑄造開始,就十分炙手可熱。明朝中期已經有很多富豪、收藏家以重金求購宣德爐,到了明朝晚期,宣德爐的價格更高,一件品相完好者,動輒需耗費白銀數萬兩。此后,宣德爐價格居高不下,因暴利誘人,故仿造者、作偽者多不勝數。宣德爐造偽在相當長的歷史階段內存在著。最早的偽造者,是宣德爐監造者之一吳邦佐。他在宣德爐封爐停造后,將參加鑄爐工匠搜羅起來,利用剩余原料仿鑄宣德爐。公平地說,這些爐的做工同樣精細,只是由于原料不足,爐的形態多變。

In the third year of Ming Xuande, Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji participated in the design and supervision of the bronze incense burner on a whim. It was the first time in Chinese history that bronze ware was cast with wind-milled copper, and the title of "Daming Xuande Furnace" was engraved on the bottom of the furnace, which is called "Xuande Furnace" for short. It is precisely because Xuande Furnace has fine workmanship, beautiful shape, expensive consumables, and is very rare. It has been very hot since casting. In the mid-Ming Dynasty, many rich people and collectors bought Xuande furnaces with heavy money, but in the late Ming Dynasty, the price of Xuande furnaces was higher, and a perfect product often cost tens of thousands of silver. Since then, the price of Xuande Furnace has remained high, and there are numerous counterfeiters and counterfeiters because of the attractive profits. The falsification of Xuande furnace existed in a long historical period. The earliest forger was Wu Bangzuo, one of the supervisors of Xuande Furnace. After he closed the Xuande furnace and stopped building it, he collected the craftsmen who participated in the furnace casting and used the surplus raw materials to imitate the Xuande furnace. To be fair, the workmanship of these furnaces is also fine, but due to the shortage of raw materials, the shapes of furnaces are changeable.


This Daming Xuande incense burner, as a whole, is gilded with gold and copper. Its furnace body is simple and neat. Its ear hole is oval, with straight mouth and flat edge, tied neck, flat belly drum drooping, round bottom, two ears, three milk feet under it, and the bottom is engraved with the words "Daming Xuande Year System". The image is concise, thick and heavy, and the weight is quite pressing. It is placed in the study room and is exquisite and elegant. Great collection value.


With the rise of censer collecting culture, ancient censer with Tibetan ornaments also gets people's attention day by day. In addition to the hype and promotion of incense, the collection of incense stoves, incense shovels, incense boxes and other incense sets at the edge of the Buddha have increasingly become a hot topic. In terms of the collection of "incense burner decorated with Buddha's edge", since 2009, the three-legged furnace of the Ming dynasty has been extremely popular in the antique collection circle, leading many incense burners to break through the million mark all the way. Over the years, the collection of incense incense army is growing, incense collection has inestimable business opportunities.

此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件宣德爐是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件宣德爐參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件宣德爐委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。

This collection is now on sale on the platform of the online art mall. According to the treasure holder, this Xuande furnace was handed down from ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a peerless boutique. After our company learned that it has this rare treasure, we invited it to take this Xuande furnace. The current treasure holder has difficulty in capital turnover. I am willing to entrust this Xuande Furnace to find buyers through online media on its behalf. If you are interested in collecting this collection, you can call the company's telephone number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.


標簽:在線 大明 宣德 香爐 藝品



網站:5 個   小程序:0 個  文章:12 篇

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