Yuan Shikai is no stranger to us. When the Republic of China was just founded, the coins used by the people were not unified, and silver coins, copper coins and tickets were often mixed. Later, in the third year of the Republic of China, the Northern Warlord government minted Yuan Shikai's head coins. This coin is what we call Yuan Datou copper coin in the third year of the Republic of China. It mainly takes Yuan Shikai's head as the main pattern, which has four denominations. On the top of the head is "the third year of the Republic of China". On the back is the face value of Chinese characters and the pattern of huanjiahe. In the third year of the Republic of China, yuan Datou copper coin was designated as the currency of the Republic of China, so its position is very important in the history of coins.
After the revolution of 1911, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability and develop the national economy, he resolutely decided to "unify the currency system" throughout the country. On the front of the edition of the third year of the Republic of China is the profile of Yuan Shikai, which lists "three years of the Republic of China". In addition, among the modern silver coins in China, the silver coins made in Guangdong Province have enjoyed a long-standing reputation. The silver coin is exquisite in design and exquisite in casting. Its rarity and mysterious life experience have always been talked about by Tibetan people, and are known as "the legendary silver coin".
The Northern Warlord government officially minted Yuan Shikai's silver coin with his head on the side, so it is commonly known as "yuan Datou". Due to its abundant silver and good reputation, it became a popular currency in China during the period of the Republic of China and even for a long time to come. "Yuan Datou" in the third year of the Republic of China was still cast until at least 1929, but now it is very small. Many of them were recovered and melted again during the period of liberation. The coins are rare among the people and are precious in collection.
此組正面袁世凱戎裝五分側面頭像,刻畫精細,線條流暢,工筆細膩,細節清晰可見,極為細致。錢幣上端鑄有“中華民國三年”六字,背面兩條嘉禾左右交互,下系結帶,紋飾線條粗細均勻,線條流暢自然;嘉禾中間鑄“壹圓”字樣,字體端正工整,清秀俊逸,符合標準,品相極佳。鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意 家和萬事興之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。
On the front of this group, the head portrait of Yuan Shikai's military uniform has fine depiction, smooth lines, fine brushwork and clear and visible details. On the top of the coin, there are six characters of "the third year of the Republic of China". On the back, two pieces of Jiahe interact with each other, and the lower part is tied with ribbons. The decorative lines are uniform in thickness and smooth in nature. In the middle of the coin, the word "one yuan" is cast. The font is neat, elegant and elegant, which meets the standard and is of excellent appearance. On the coins, the rulers have the vision of national peace and people's peace, good luck and good luck. The folk collection is the auspicious treasure of family and prosperity, so it has high collection research value.
Yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and profound historical significance. The precious yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China recorded the earth shaking history of the revolution of 1911, especially the rare ones with good quality, so they are very popular with collectors. It is a treasure sought by coin lovers and collectors. This collection is well preserved, with clear handwriting and patterns, obvious traces of edge teeth, and moistened with slurry. It has high investment and collection value.
In the field of collection, yuan Datou silver coin has always been an important currency in the reform of China's modern currency system, and it is also the most popular one in the collection field, which is regarded as "the treasure of silver dollar". Many collectors are well aware that although the coin is not an antique coin more than ten thousand years ago, it appeared in the special historical period of China, and its circulation and edition are very limited, so it has a high value. In the search for this treasure, the Tibetan friends also spent a lot of time and effort, especially if they hold a real coin like this, they will like to get a treasure and can't put it down.