糧票是20世紀50年代至85年代中國在特定經濟時期發放的一種購糧憑證。 中國最早實行的票證種類是糧票、食用油票、布票等。糧票作為一種實際的有價證券,在中國使用達40多年,隨著社會的發展,它已退出了歷史舞臺,成為收藏者的新寵。
Grain coupon is a kind of grain purchase voucher issued by China in the specific economic period from 1950s to 85th. The earliest types of tickets in China are grain tickets, edible oil tickets, cloth tickets, etc. As a kind of practical securities, grain coupon has been used in China for more than 40 years. With the development of society, it has been withdrawn from the historical stage and become the new favorite of collectors.
那時候,必須憑糧票才能購買糧食。其實憑票供應不是我國最早采用的,蘇聯在十月革命后,當時國內不穩定,內戰不斷,商品缺乏,就采取商品有計劃的分配,發放各種商品票證,蘇聯最早的票證是1916年的鞋票。 美國也在二戰時期商品緊張時,發放了各種商品票證,其種類也不少,這其中就含有糧票性質的票證。現在還有一些國家仍然采用憑票供應方式,如朝鮮、越南等一些國家。 糧票是特殊經濟條件下的歷史產物,票面題材廣泛,印制精細,具有時間性、地域性的特點。經年累月的歲月侵蝕,更使這種具有不可復制性的票證文物日漸稀少,珍品迭出,長期為海內外收藏愛好者所矚目。
At that time, you had to rely on food stamps to buy grain. In fact, voucher supply was not the first one adopted in China. After the October Revolution, when the country was unstable, civil war continued and commodities were in short supply, the Soviet Union adopted a planned distribution of commodities and issued various commodity certificates. The earliest ticket of the Soviet Union was the shoe ticket in 1916. During the Second World War, when commodities were in short supply, the United States issued various kinds of commodity certificates, including food stamps. At present, there are still some countries that still use the ticket supply mode, such as North Korea, Vietnam and some other countries. Grain coupon is a historical product under special economic conditions. It has a wide range of topics, fine printing, time and regional characteristics. With years of erosion, this kind of non reproducible ticket cultural relic has become increasingly rare and rare. It has attracted the attention of collectors at home and abroad for a long time.
The grain coupon itself is a worthless ticket. However, it can be used to buy grain with national brand price. In fact, it has become a kind of valuable securities. The face value of the grain coupon is equal to the difference between the national brand price and the market price. Since 1993, China has abolished the use of food stamps, which has quickly entered the ranks of collectibles, and the number of "grain" collectors nationwide is also expanding. In the past two years, they have purchased the treasures of Chinese grain stamps at high prices in Hong Kong, Macao SAR and some European and American countries. With the passage of time, the grain collection fever is heating up, and the grain coupon collection market is bound to rise. As long as we master the basic principles of collecting food stamps, the prospect of investing in collecting food stamps is very considerable. As the second "currency" of China, the grain coupon has lasted 40 years in China. It reflects the social and economic conditions in various historical periods of China, and has important research value and collection value. In addition, some public grain tickets issued during the war of liberation are the historical witness of the revolutionary army's bloody struggle under the support of the people during the war of liberation, which has important commemorative significance and collection value.
該冊收藏有全國和30多個省、市、直轄市、自治區和地方的糧票(油、面票等)共計258枚,全國通用糧票微縮版彩銀章(大米和粗糧)共計8枚,成色99.9%。整本收藏冊設計精美,圖文并茂。冊內以實物為主,并輔有關糧票收藏的相關知識點介紹,融知識性、學術價值及收藏性于一體。無論是對中國糧票的收藏、鑒賞,還是用于研究中國糧票都會起到重要的幫助。 中國糧票珍藏寶典,收集來之不易,精心整理制作。
There are 258 grain stamps (oil, face tickets, etc.) collected by the whole country and more than 30 provinces, cities, municipalities directly under the central government, autonomous regions and local governments. There are 8 miniature color silver seals (rice and coarse grain) of national general grain stamps, with the quality of 99.9%. The whole collection is beautifully designed and illustrated. The book is mainly in kind, supplemented by the introduction of relevant knowledge points about grain coupon collection, integrating knowledge, academic value and collection into one. It will play an important role in the collection, appreciation and research of Chinese food stamps. China's grain coupons are a treasure trove, hard-earned, and carefully collated and produced.
Food coupon is a ticket issued by the state and local governments to purchase and exchange grain and food products. It is the physical data recording the history of national politics, economy and grain development. After the founding of the people's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, in order to resume production, develop economy and ensure people's livelihood, the order of unified purchase and marketing of grain was promulgated in 1953, and the Interim Measures for the quantitative supply of grain for urban residents was implemented in August 1955. As a supporting measure of this policy, grain coupons were officially printed and used in November of the same year. Since then, all provinces, cities, autonomous regions and prefectures have successively issued local grain coupons which are restricted to their own areas.
Until July 1, 1993, the national grain purchase and sale circulation system reform, the provinces, cities, autonomous regions grain coupons have stopped using. From 1955 to 1993, in the past 40 years, the whole country, provinces, cities, autonomous regions and local cities issued about thousands of sets of grain coupons and tens of thousands of varieties. According to preliminary estimates, there are more than 14000 local and military grain coupons issued by the people's Republic of China (nine sets have been printed successively).
中國糧票是世界上使用最早、數量最多、門類最豐富的文化寶藏之一,是極好的民間收藏品。并具有極高的收藏價值。 《中國糧票珍藏寶典》限量發行2000冊
China's grain stamps are one of the earliest used, most abundant and abundant cultural treasures in the world, and they are excellent folk collections. And has a very high collection value. "Treasure of China's grain stamps" limited to 2000 copies
In the field of collection, as a veteran value investment collector, it is very exciting to meet a collection with clear source, few articles and millions of appreciation in the future.
(藝品在線):400 686 3616