The eight immortals are painted with different postures and wonderful shapes. The shape of the instrument is regular, the mouth is straight and the neck is straight. The shoulders are full and the abdomen is closed. It is named after the shape of a club mallet. Its abdomen is flat and open. It is suitable for painting various kinds of character scenes. It is a new bottle type created by the Kangxi Dynasty. It is extremely rare
The abbreviation of multicolored porcelain in Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty. At that time, there was a great breakthrough in the development of five colors. The overglaze blue color was invented to replace the underglaze blue and white used in the Ming Dynasty, and the black color was also used to decorate the glaze, which became a kind of color porcelain drawn with pure overglaze color materials. Basically changed the Ming Dynasty blue and white multicolored dominant situation.
五彩是明清彩瓷中的重要品種,明 代的嘉靖、萬歷朝和清代的康熙朝是五彩的鼎盛時期。五彩又被稱為古彩,是 在宋、元時期釉上紅、綠彩的基礎上發展而來。五彩通常分為青花五彩和釉上五彩兩大類,青花五彩是指釉下青花和釉上的紅、黃、綠等色彩相結合,但每件器物上并不一定是五種顏色,明代嘉 靖、萬歷兩朝的五彩器,大多屬于青花五彩。明代晚期發明了釉上藍彩,凡是需用青花的地方,都可以用釉藍彩末代替,藝術效果不亞于青花,有時甚至超過青花,卻省去了一道工藝,康熙五彩大部分屬于釉上五彩。
Multicolored porcelain is an important variety in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Jiajing, Wanli and Kangxi dynasties of the Ming Dynasty were the most prosperous period. Five colors, also known as ancient colors, are developed on the basis of overglaze red and green colors in song and Yuan Dynasties. Five colors are usually divided into blue and white and overglaze. Blue and white refers to the combination of underglaze blue and white and overglaze red, yellow and green. However, each piece of ware is not necessarily five colors. Most of the multicolored wares in Jiajing and Wanli dynasties of Ming Dynasty belong to blue and white five colors. In the late Ming Dynasty, overglaze blue color was invented. Where blue and white were needed, glaze blue color could be used instead. The artistic effect was no less than blue and white, and sometimes even more than blue and white, but a process was omitted. Most of the five colors of Kangxi belonged to overglaze colors.
There is a popular saying in the collection circle: Porcelain should play in the three dynasties of Qing Dynasty. China's porcelain making technology developed to the Qing Dynasty, and reached the highest level in history in the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. Both the quality and quantity are incomparable to those of the previous generation. As far as the auction site is concerned, most of the official kilns with high prices in the past ten years are from the official kilns of the Qing Dynasty.
In the five years of Kangxi's reign, the painted porcelain has a wide range of subjects and grand pictures. It often draws small dramas, folk stories, myths and legends, and a large number of figure paintings, landscape paintings, flower and bird paintings. Its artistry surpasses that of the Ming Dynasty. It pursues the effect of painting on paper and silk. Porcelain paintings are usually drawn by painters in porcelain kiln factories, and few famous painters personally write them. However, in the multicolored porcelain of Kangxi Dynasty, there are many exquisite works. The cultivation of these craftsmen is very impressive.
Gaotai washing is undoubtedly the representative work of Kangxi's porcelain. There are few types of utensils. It is really true that it is true, refined and new, that is to say, the old ware is as new as before. It has high artistic achievement and historical relic value. At the end of this year, I hope you will get it!
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件瓷器是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件瓷器參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件瓷器委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, the porcelain was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this porcelain to our company to find a buyer through network media. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.