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喜報!MMC榮獲RTAA頒發【2020年度最佳 PAMM 技術大獎】!Congratulations! MMC Was Awarded 2020 Best PAMM Technology Award by the RTAA!

2020 RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY APPRECIATION AWARDS(RTAA) 俄羅斯科技贊賞獎的所有獲獎者名單已正式公布,此時MMC倍感榮幸地向外界分享,已成功被該頒獎典禮授予“Best PAMM Technology Award“ ,亦是“2020 年度最佳 PAMM 技術大獎”!The list of 2020 RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY APPRECIATION AWARDS (RTAA) winners has been officially announced. At this time, MMC is honoured to announce that it has successfully been awarded the "Best PAMM Technology Award" !

RTAA是一個在俄羅斯十分領先的東歐個人組織,該頒獎典禮旨在表揚所有在該領域表現杰出的俄羅斯國民,并感激他們憑著輝煌成就帶動了國家的美好未來。除此之外,該頒獎典禮也旨在為俄羅斯科技發展領域提供交流平臺,進而凝聚該領域的所有人才,增進彼此的交流。通過這樣的交流平臺,也能協助一些正尋找科技合作伙伴的組織提升于俄羅斯的科技事業發展。只能說,RTAA對該領域的人才而言,處處充滿機會。事實上,若談及科技,俄羅斯是全球科技領域中的主要參與者,光是軟件開發人員就已達到20萬名,且不少還在創業中的科技公司正處于蓬勃發展的階段。除了投資流量正不斷增加,與俄羅斯軟件開發服務提供商合作的公司數量也在增加。RTAA is a leading Eastern European individual organization in Russia. The award ceremony aims to commend all Russian nationals who have performed outstandingly in their respective field and thank them for driving the country's bright future with their brilliant achievements. In addition, the award ceremony also aims to provide a platform for exchanges in the field of scientific and technological development in Russia. In fact, when it comes to science and technology, Russia is a major player in the global scene. There are more than 200,000 software developers alone in the country and many technology companies in the country are in booming stage. In addition to increasing investment flows, the number of companies cooperating with Russian software development service providers are also increasing.

值得一提的是,俄羅斯在技術上的質量是受到了世界的認可,并成功獲得不少行業獎項。因此MMC有幸成為2020 年度最佳 PAMM 技術大獎得獎者,意味著公司在技術上的實力備受肯定,這絕對除了讓MMC士氣大漲,更提升了其知名度及信譽度!MMC雖創立于塞舌爾,然而創辦人乃俄羅斯國民,且憑著自身 PAMM 交易自動化管理系統,還有過往穩定的盈利記錄與表現,讓RTAA從眾多公司注目到了MMC的優秀,決定授予該獎項以示表揚。It is worth mentioning that Russia’s technical quality has been recognized by the world and has successfully won many industrial awards. Therefore, MMC is fortunate to be the winner of the 2020 Best PAMM Technology Award, which means that the company's technical strength is highly recognized internationally. This will definitely boost MMC's morale, and also enhance its popularity and credibility! Although MMC was founded in Seychelles, its founder is a Russian national, and with its own PAMM automated trading system, as well as past stable profit records and performance, RTAA was amazed by the performance of MMC and decided to recognised it’s excellent achievement.

塞舌爾知名外匯券商 MMC A well-known Seychelles broker

由Mr. Benjamin連同俄羅斯頂級交易專家MR.FILATOV 在俄羅斯和塞舌爾投資局的協調下,于塞舌爾成立的一家知名外匯券商- MMC,在2018年2月正式以 STP 經紀商身份進軍外匯領域并當起中間人身份,將所有交易者的訂單直接發送至流動性提供商以及銀行等,通過獲得的點差賺取盈利。Since February 2018, under the coordination of Russia and the Seychelles Investment Authority, MMC Chief Executive Officer Mr. Benjamin officially established the MMC DOMAIN RESOURCES LTD in the country together with the top Russian trading expert Mr. Filatov to venture into foreign exchange industry as a STP broker. Being an intermediary, all traders’ orders from MMC are sent directly to liquidity providers, banks and etc., the company profit through the spreads obtained.

MMC成立的主要目的為以新型理財方案提供散戶持續性盈利,并規避自主交易風險。為達成其目標,有著商業頭腦的Mr.Benjiamin和Mr. Filatov在2020年初就開始做運籌策,旗下在原有的資金池基礎上開始籌備Advance Trading Commission (ATC)預付交易傭金 + Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM)百分比分配管理的創新模式,目標要成為全世界金融外匯市場獨開生面的新型投資理財項目,用集中的管理接口按照約定比例分配利潤,MMC 則從交易盈利中抽取點差收益做為管理薪酬,進而達成 MMC、資金管理團隊、散戶三方的共贏模式!熟悉金融投資的朋友都該知道,持有正規及嚴格監管牌照的公司對投資者的資金安全起到了十分重要的作用,而MMC就持有加拿大與美國的MSB牌照,以及塞舌爾執照,絕對是個值得信賴的平臺。MMC’s establishment is to provide next generation of wealth management solutions for the retail investors, allowing them to earn sustainable profits and minimising trading risks.  In order to achieve this goal, since early 2020, the company introduced Advance Trading Commission (ATC) + Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM) trading system under the leadership of Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Filatov. They aim to become the leader in global foreign exchange industry by providing the next generation investment products. By centralizing the fund management and distribute the according profit allocation, MMC will extract the spread as management fee. This creates a triple win situation where MMC, fund management team and retail investors are equally benefited! MMC is regulated by the Canada Fintrac MSB, United States of America Fincen MSB, as well as the Seychelles license, it is absolutely a trustable platform.

身為一家在塞舌爾十分知名的外匯券商,MMC一直以實力說話。例如盈利方面,在Mr. Filatov頂級專業團隊的交易策略下,成功讓公司在成立短短兩年內就交出漂亮成績單,進而讓南非州及各大亞洲國家都迅速關注起MMC!另外,憑著塞舌爾國地區性的絕對優勢,MMC更放眼于2020年第三季度以ATC 預付交易傭金 + PAMM 獨創一格的新型模式,正式進軍南非洲以及亞洲的散戶市場,并以“YOUR PROFIT OUR PROMISE (您的盈利,我們的使命)”為宗旨,為世界外匯市場開啟新的輝煌道路!Being a well-known broker in Seychelles, MMC has been performing excellently in term of profitability. Under the leadership of Mr. Filatov and his trading team, the company has a record of flying colours and received vast attention from the South Africa and Asia. Taking the regional advantage of the Republic of Seychelles, MMC will introduce the innovative global ATC + PAMM innovation model in the third quarter of 2020. Hanging onto the purpose of "YOUR PROFIT OUR PROMISE”, MMC officially unveiled a whole new chapter of the next generation foreign exchange industry!




標簽:喜報 頒發 年度最佳 榮獲 大獎



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