Green glaze is a kind of glaze with iron content between 1% and 3%, which is fired by high temperature reducing flame, showing a green color. Green glaze is the earliest color glaze in China. Its source can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou dynasties pottery. At that time, the blue-yellow glaze on the original porcelain was the predecessor of the green glaze. In the Han Dynasty, the ancestors of our country first fired pure blue glaze porcelain.
唐代,青釉燒制進一步成熟,日臻完美,被盛贊為“千峰翠色”。宋代時創燒的粉青和梅子青狀如青玉,將青釉瓷器推向巔峰。明清之際,永樂朝的翠青、冬青(即東青), 雍正朝的粉青、豆青等均色調勻凈,蒼翠欲滴,并出現了眾多名貴的品種。
Tang Dynasty, green glaze firing further mature, perfect day by day, was praised as "Qianfeng Cui color ". In the Song Dynasty, the pink green and plum green like jade pushed the green glaze porcelain to the peak. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Yongle Dynasty green, holly (that is, Dongqing), Yongzheng Dynasty pink green, bean green and other uniform color, green, and appeared a number of valuable varieties.
Double Dragon Ball is the expression of two dragons playing (or robbing) a fire ball. It originated from the planet diagram in Chinese astronomy, and the fire beads evolved from the moon. Since the Western Han Dynasty, Shuanglong opera beads have become an auspicious and festive decorative pattern, mostly used in architectural paintings and noble and luxurious utensils decoration. The shape of the Ssangyong depends on the decorative area. If it is long, the two dragons are symmetrically placed on the left and right sides. If it is square or round, the two dragons are arranged diagonally up and down, up and down. No matter what arrangement, the fire beads are in the middle, showing a lively and vivid momentum 。
龍, 是古代傳說中的兩棲動物,它產生于華夏圖騰文化,遠古的三皇五帝均以龍作為圖騰。珠,即珍珠 、夜明珠,龍珠可避水與火,是吉祥的象征,民間喜歡在佳節戓慶典時舉辦舞龍表演以示慶賀。舞時由一人持彩珠(也叫彩球) 與雙龍戲舞,稱二龍戲珠或雙龍戲珠。這一舞龍形式及以后出現的舞龍繪畫圖案,都是由一個民間傳說故事引申出來的。
相傳,天池山中有個深潭,有兩條青龍在此修煉,它們關心附近百姓的疾苦,時常行風播雨,使百姓們過著衣食無憂的太平日子,兩條龍也備受人們的愛戴。天池潭也是天宮仙女們洗澡的地方,每當月潔風清時,仙女們就到這里洗澡嬉戲。一次,仙女們在池中正洗得盡興,一個渾身長毛的怪物猛撲過來,對裸身的眾仙女進行調戲,她們高呼求救。兩條青龍聽到呼救聲,立即披甲持械奔向天池潭,見是一只熊怪正在撒野,二龍齊心英勇奮戰, 熊怪戰敗被擒。
The origin time of Shuanglong opera beads is the pre-Qin period, with a history of three thousand years.
Dragon, an amphibian in ancient legends, originated from Chinese totem culture. Beads, that is, pearls, night pearls, dragon beads can avoid water and fire, is a symbol of auspicious, folk like to hold dragon dance celebrations in the festival. Dance by a person holding color beads (also known as color ball) and double dragon play dance, called two dragon play beads or double dragon play beads. This dragon dance form and the later dragon dance painting pattern, are derived from a folklore story.
According to legend, there is a deep pool in Tianchi Mountain, there are two Azure Dragon practice here, they care about the suffering of the people nearby, often wind and rain, so that the people live a peaceful life without worry, the two dragons are also loved by people. Tianchi Lake is also the place where the heavenly fairies bathe. Whenever the moon is clear, the fairies come here to bathe and play. Once the fairies were washing in the pool, a hairy monster swooped over and molested the naked fairies, shouting for help. Two Azure Dragon heard the cry for help, immediately armed to Tianchi Lake, see a bear monster is spreading wild, two dragons bravely fight, bear monster was captured.
This green glaze double dragon play bead grain sunflower mouth wash, diameter :17.3 cm, high :6.2 cm, bottom diameter :11.7 cm nine sunflower petal flower type, mouth slightly skimmed, shallow abdomen thin wall. The corners are implicit and the feet are round. The inner bottom of the ring foot was burned with three nail pads, the nail point was very fine, and the nail mark soil was grayish yellow. Green glaze, with precious agate as glaze, showing rainbow-like bright and dew-like crystal. Unique color, pure glaze, bright glaze, glaze such as coagulant, green glaze, uniform glaze layer, solid matrix, dignified and quiet. The shape of the device is elegant, uniform in thickness and thin in shape. The quality of the soil is fine, and the glaze of the billet is thick and sound like a chime, bright and not prickly Eye. The whole shape is beautiful, regular atmosphere, after years, well-preserved, is the rare beauty of Ru kiln, very valuable collection.