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自民國元年始,廣東造幣廠所鑄毫幣,逐漸流布全國,而長江以南各省 商場,貿易恃為唯一輔幣,在金融界具有舉足輕重的地位,從民國元年至4 年(1912~1915)辛亥革命后,廣東造幣廠將舊幣(龍洋)收回改鑄“中華民國貳毫銀幣”, 設計簡潔,除文字外無它物,重一錢四分四,成色符合《國幣條例》之規定 為:銀七銅三。發行之后,商民稱便,聲譽頗佳。

Since the first year of the people's Republic of China, the mints in Guangdong gradually spread throughout the country. In the south of the Yangtze River, trade was the only auxiliary currency, which played an important role in the financial sector. From the first year of the Republic of China to the fourth year (1912-1915), after the revolution of 1912-1915, Guangdong mints took back the old coins (Longyang) and changed them into "20 cents silver coins of the Republic of China", The design is simple and has nothing else except words. It weighs one coin and four quarters. The quality conforms to the regulations of the state currency: Silver seven copper three. After it was issued, the merchants and the people enjoyed a good reputation.

1914 年,第一次世界大戰爆發,到1916 年,同盟國與協約國雙方已打得精疲力盡,交戰各國經濟已趨崩潰,受戰爭影響,來華銀條供應大減,“幣 廠以鑄本缺乏于1916 年4 月停鑄銀幣”。所以民國5年、6 年未鑄。其實從 民國4 年開始鑄額已大減了,故現今所見廣東雙毫十年者極少。

In 1914, the first World War broke out. By 1916, the allies and the Allies were exhausted, and the economies of the warring countries were on the verge of collapse. Due to the war, the supply of silver bars to China was greatly reduced. "The mint stopped making silver coins in April 1916 because of the lack of coins.". Therefore, it was not cast in five or six years of the Republic of China. In fact, since the fourth year of the Republic of China, the casting amount has been greatly reduced, so there are very few people in Guangdong Province who have been casting for ten years.



自民國元年始,廣東造幣廠所鑄毫幣,逐漸流布全國。此幣為民國十年廣東造幣廠鑄造的貳毫銀幣,其包漿自然,品相保存完好,歷史留下的痕跡清晰可見,極具收藏價值和觀賞性。錢幣正面中心書“貳毫銀幣”四字,環以珠圈,上環書“中華民國十年”,下環書“廣東省造”,左右分列四瓣花星。背面中央數字紀值“20”,珠圈外上側鑄有英文“KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE”,下側為“TWENTY CENTS”英文字樣,左右分列四瓣花星。此幣由白銀合金鑄造,成色足份,輪廓完整,文字行云流水,端秀清新,色澤光鮮自然,立體感十足。整體雕刻精細,內容豐富,十分珍稀罕見。

Since the first year of the people's Republic of China, the silver coins of Guangdong Mint gradually spread throughout the country. This coin was made by Guangdong Mint in the 10th year of the Republic of China. It has natural coating, well preserved appearance, and clear historical traces. It is of great collection value and ornamental value. On the obverse side of the coin, there are four characters: "Er Hao Silver Coin", which is surrounded by beads. The upper ring is inscribed with "the 10th year of the Republic of China", and the lower ring is "made in Guangdong Province". There are four flower stars on the left and right. On the back, the central numeral value is "20". On the outside of the bead circle, there is "Kwang-tung provision" in English, and on the lower side is the English word "twinty centers", with four flower stars on the left and right. The coin is made of silver alloy. It has full color, complete outline, flowing words, fresh and fresh, bright and natural color, and full of three-dimensional sense. The whole carving is exquisite and rich in content, which is rare and rare.


此種銀幣存世量極為稀少,尤其是品相好的更為稀缺,因此很受收藏愛好者青睞,而且材質珍貴,藝術價值高,由白銀合金鑄造,制作精美,圖案考究,文字清秀,內容豐富,銀 光燦爛,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。

This kind of silver coin is extremely rare in the world, especially in good quality, so it is very popular among collectors. It is made of silver alloy with precious material and high artistic value. It is exquisitely made, elegant in design, delicate in writing, rich in content, bright in silver, pleasant in appearance and has certain functions of maintaining and appreciating value.





(藝品在線):400 686 3616



標簽:廣東省 中華民國 銀幣 精品 推薦



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