The three treasures of Buddhism refer to Buddha treasure, magic weapon and monk treasure, which are the core of Buddhist teaching method and testimony method. Buddha treasure refers to all Buddhas who have achieved the three treasures of Buddhism. The magic weapon is the teaching method of the Buddhas. Monk treasure, that is, according to the Buddhist law of the monk Shamen
Buddha -- The achievement of the perfect Buddha's way is the condition of the Buddha's treasure, in other words, the Buddha's treasure is the spiritual strength and the virtue of the perfect wisdom developed by the Buddha from the consciousness
法--以涅槃解脫、常樂我凈為體性世間的種種煩惱,猶如毒熱塵穢,常使眾生陷于怖畏、痛苦、不自在的境界中,使眾生獲得清涼的涅槃解脫果實。Dharma -- With the release of Nirvana, I am always happy for the body of all kinds of troubles in the world, like poison and hot dust, often make all living beings in fear, pain, uncomfortable realm, so that all living beings to obtain cool Nirvana relief fruit.
僧--凡是佛教徒,如果能負起修行佛法并且傳播佛教的責任,便稱為僧寶,雖然不限定出家人或在家人,事實上只有出家人才能完成僧寶的使命。 Monk-A Buddhist who can practice Buddhism and spread Buddhism is called a monk treasure, although there is no limit to the monk or family, in fact, only the monk can fulfill the mission of the monk treasure.
古時苦行僧獨居深山罕跡處 ,因日夜精進震動魔宮 ,苦行僧以山石為印刻上法號以備萬一被魔附體后 見自己法號能清醒 ,苦行僧不結伴 ,只能如此 ,故印鈕四周刻佛字 ,當然十年苦行幾乎都看破放下了, 魔眾千變萬化很難引誘 后來人們發現苦行僧之印有很大加持力, 至如今苦行僧猶如大海撈針 ,如僧不持戒 ,鬼神唾棄 ,那印一文不值, 亳無用處 ,寺印也一樣 ,雖名為僧寶 ,不持戒己非佛法, 非佛法則非僧寶寺印一樣 ,除苦行僧外未聽說一般僧人有印章,比較少見,年代也比較久遠了,再加上佛法興起,收藏價值進一步提升,有的拍賣的佛法僧寶印章都上百萬,這個還是價值不菲的。
Square, knob, printed for the "Buddhist monk treasure ", Buddhist seal, symmetrical layout, relatively rare, exquisite products.
In ancient times, ascetic monks lived alone in the mountains, because day and night to vibrate the magic palace, ascetic monks engraved the name of the law in case they were possessed by the devil to see their own name can wake up, ascetic monks do not accompany, so printing knobs around engraved Buddha characters, of course, ten years of ascetic almost all see down, it is difficult to seduce later people found that the ascetic monk seal has a great blessing, to now ascetic monks do not hold precepts, ghosts and gods spit, that imprint is worthless, no use, temple seal is the same, although the name of monk treasure, do not hold their own Buddhist law, non-Buddha temple India, in addition to ascetic monks did not hear that ordinary monks have seals, relatively rare, relatively old, coupled with the rise of the Dharma, the value of collection further improved, some Buddha auction millions, this is still valuable.