此陶瓷除具有平底的特征之外,器物的底部一般比同時代瓷窯產品為厚,甚至有的厚達 2厘米以上,給人以穩重之感。唐代陶瓷器釉面乳濁感強,發色偏灰暗,玻璃質感強。胎體厚重,釉面粗糙,這樣的造型特別適合攜帶與半埋藏使用。這個時期生產的質量好,裝飾方法多樣,具有很強的藝術性。創造出了許多讓后人嘆為觀止的優秀陶瓷藝術品
In the Tang Dynasty, pottery production has been transformed to a mature state and entered the real porcelain age. Because the difference between pottery and porcelain is white, hard or translucent, and the biggest key lies in the burning temperature. Although there were pottery in the Han Dynasty, the temperature was not high and the fragile texture could only be regarded as original porcelain. However, in the Tang Dynasty, not only did the glaze mature, and the fire temperature could reach more than 1,000 degrees Celsius, so we say that the Tang Dynasty really entered porcelain Era. The most famous kilns in Tang Dynasty were Yue kiln and Xing kiln.
In addition to the flat bottom of this ceramic, the bottom of the ware is generally thicker than that of contemporary porcelain kilns, and some are even more than 2 cm thick, giving people a sense of stability. Tang Dynasty ceramics have a strong opalescence on the glazed surface, a grayish hair color, and a strong glass texture. The carcass is thick and the glaze is rough. This shape is especially suitable for carrying and semi-buried use. During this period, the quality of the production was good, the decoration methods were various, and it was very artistic. Created many excellent ceramic art works that will be amazing for future generations