紀念幣是一個國家為紀念國家一定有意義的事、杰出人物、 名勝古跡、珍稀動植物、體育賽事等而發行的,它包括普通紀念幣和貴金屬紀念幣。 質量一般為精制,較少發行。
Commemorative coins are legal currencies issued by a country to commemorate certain national meaningful events, outstanding figures, places of interest and historical interest, rare animals and plants, sports events, etc. They include ordinary commemorative coins and precious metal commemorative coins. The quality is generally refined and less distributed.
Commemorative coins can be divided into precious metal commemorative coins and ordinary commemorative coins. Ordinary commemorative coins include ordinary metal commemorative coins and commemorative banknotes. General metal commemorative coins are divided into general coins and refined coins. The material of ordinary commemorative coins is paper used to print banknotes or metal used to cast ordinary coins. The denominations indicate their legal value. They are mainly designed and cast for major events, festivals, anniversaries and rare animals at home and abroad.
Sun Yat - sen is a great national hero, a great patriot and a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. Dr sun yat - sen stood in the forefront of the times and " adapted to the world trend and the needs of the people." he loudly called for " saving the people from fire and water, cutting and supporting the building, raising the banner of the struggle against feudal autocratic rule, proposing the political program of the three people's principles of nation, civil rights and people's livelihood, and taking the lead in issuing the cry of" revitalizing China ", hoping to push the Chinese nation to get rid of feudal autocratic rule and aggression by foreign powers, and push China to keep pace with the development and progress of the world and join the world's advanced ranks.
孫中山(1866年11月12日--1925年3月12日),名文,字載之,號日新,又號逸仙,幼名帝象,化名中山樵。 他是中國近代民族民主主義革命的開拓者,中國民主革命偉大先行者,中華民國和中國國民黨的締造者,三民主義的倡導者,創立《五權憲法》。他首舉徹底反帝反封建的旗幟,"起共和而終兩千年封建帝制"。孫中山著有《建國方略》、《建國大綱》、《三民主義》等。其著述在逝世后多次被結集出版,有中華書局1986年出版的十一卷本《孫中山全集》,臺北1969、1973、1985年出版的《國父全集》等。孫中山為了改造中國耗盡畢生的精力,在歷史上留下了不可磨滅的功勛,也為政治和后繼者建立了堅固而珍貴的遺產。
Sun Yat-sen (November 12, 1866-March 12, 1925), the name of the text, the words of the new, the number of Yi Xian, the young name of the emperor, a pseudonym Zhongshan Qiao. He is the pioneer of China's modern national democratic Revolution, the great forerunner of China's Democratic revolution, the founder of the Republic of China and the Kuomintang, the Advocate of Sanmin, and the founding of the five Rights constitution. He first lifted the banner of total anti-imperialism against feudalism, "from the Republican and final 2000 years feudal monarchy." Sun Yat-sen has "founding strategy", "founding the Constitution", "Sanmin doctrine" and so on. His writings were published several times after his death, and there were 11 volumes published in 1986, the Complete Works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, published by the Zhonghua Book Company, Taipei 1969, 1973, 1985, and so on. In order to transform China, Sun Yat-sen has left indelible feats in history, and established a strong and precious legacy for politics and successors.
This gold medal commemorating the 120th birthday of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the father of China. The "central father's Sun Zhongshan" commemorative coin is the first one, which is the positive image of Sun Zhongshan. The following is the seventy-four years of November 12th. The back is the circle of the Chinese mainland. The three peoples' designs are in the middle, surrounded by plum blossoms. The coins are well preserved with clear patterns and characters. They are to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen's founding of the three principles of the people and the five powers constitution, leading the national revolution, rejuvenating China and establishing the Republic of China. The year of the Republic of China coincided with the 120th birthday of the founding father of the people. This commemorative gold medal was issued to show his respect.