化石是存留在古代地層中的古生物 遺體 、遺物或遺跡。化石可以分為四類:實體化石,遺跡化石,模鑄化石,分子化石。生物分界一般以一萬年前為界限,一萬年前的生物為古生物,一萬年前以后的為現生生物。由于自然災害,如:火山爆發、泥石流等自然災害瞬間將其掩埋隔離氧化形成。就是生活在遙遠的過去的生物的遺體或遺跡變成的石頭。在漫長的地質年代里,地球上曾經生活過無數的生物,這些動物死亡之后的遺體或是生活時遺留下來的痕跡,許多都被當時的泥沙掩埋起來。化石是指存留在巖石中的動物或植物遺骸。通常如肌肉或表皮等柔軟部分在保存前就已腐蝕殆盡,而只留下抵抗性較大的部分,如骨頭或外殼。它們接著就被周遭沈積物的礦物質所滲入取代。許多化石也被覆蓋其上的巖石重量壓平。
此件古羚羊角長16.3cm 寬4cm。呈現不規則形,其保存完整,品相上佳。該羊角并不尖銳,大部分呈現化石狀,也有小部分沒有石化,露出的鈣質,猶如鮮活生命在跳動,似乎在訴說遠古的故事。其色澤白色,大部分已經變黃,給予人古樸的氣質。此藏品保留了原本的面貌,歷史痕跡明顯,牙齒上紋路清晰,具有極高的藝術價值與收藏價值。
Fossils are the remains, relics or relics of ancient creatures remaining in the ancient strata. Fossils can be divided into four categories: physical fossils, relic fossils, molded fossils, and molecular fossils. Biological boundaries are generally bounded by 10,000 years ago. Creatures 10,000 years ago are ancient creatures, and those 10,000 years ago are living creatures. Due to natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, mudslides and other natural disasters, they were buried and oxidized instantly. It is the stone that the remains or relics of creatures living in the distant past turned into. In the long geological age, countless creatures have lived on the earth. Many of the remains of these animals or the traces left over from their lives were buried by the sand at that time. Fossils refer to the remains of animals or plants remaining in the rocks. Usually, soft parts such as muscles or epidermis are corroded before preservation, and only the more resistant parts, such as bones or shells, are left. They are then replaced by the infiltration of minerals from the surrounding sediments. Many fossils are also flattened by the weight of the rock covering them.
In the following years, the organic matter in the remains of these organisms was completely decomposed, and the hard parts such as the shell, bones, branches and leaves, together with the surrounding sediments, were petrified and turned into stone, but their original shape, structure (even Some subtle internal structures) still remain; similarly, the traces left by the living creatures can also be preserved in this way. We call these fossilized biological remains and remains as fossils. From the fossils, you can see the appearance of ancient animals and plants, so that you can infer the living conditions and living environment of ancient animals and plants, you can infer the age and experience of the formation of the stratum where the fossils are buried, and you can see the life from ancient to ancient times. Changes today and so on.
This ancient antelope horn is 16.3cm long and 4cm wide. It presents an irregular shape, which is intact and good in appearance. The horns are not sharp, most of them are fossilized, and some are not petrified, and the exposed calcium is like living life beating, which seems to tell ancient stories. Its color is white, and most of it has turned yellow, giving people a simple temperament. This collection retains its original appearance, with obvious historical traces and clear lines on the teeth, which has extremely high artistic value and collection value.