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Speaking of China's earliest currency, about the time of Xia Shang, Haibei became the first choice for ancestors to make money, and also became the earliest coin in China, Beihai. The monetary function of shellfish in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was not unique, and it was sometimes made into ornaments, symbolizing wealth. With the development of commodity economy, people began to use shells, pottery, stone, jade, etc. to make imitation shellfish to meet people's demand for money, until the appearance of metal imitation shellfish made of bronze. Thus, the development of China's currency has entered. Metal coining stage. There are many types of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty, especially when the ten are the most. When many Qing emperors issued copper coins as currency in circulation, the use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, which has facilitated the transaction. Nowadays, the large copper coins also have a certain collection value. Many collectors love the big copper coins, and collecting a variety of copper coins has become their goal.

清代機制銅圓的鑄造始于1900年(清朝光緒二十六年),止于1911年(宣統三年)。鑄造流通時間盡管只有十余年,但其鼎盛時期全國共有十七省二十局開機鑄造銅圓。清末銅價劇漲,民間毀錢為銅,以獲數倍之利,市面出現錢荒。廣東因停鑄制錢,市面制錢日乏,小額流通十分不便。為救錢荒,同時受香港銅元及外幣影響,光緒26年6月,兩廣總督德壽與前總督李鴻章奏準廣東仿香港銅仙鑄造機制銅元。文中此枚大清銅幣戶部是皖字版。此枚錢幣為戶部造大清銅幣當制其錢十文銅元,整體品相當不錯胞漿自然,塑造工藝精湛。錢面:珠圈內漢文“大清銅幣,圈(戶部皖字版),下環“當十文”;背面是一條栩栩如生的神龍,因為中華民族是龍的傳人,在民間傳說龍能增加一個人的氣運,使其時刻在龍氣的保護下趨吉避兇。所以這種錢幣一直深受收藏家的喜愛 ,大清銅幣的版式繁多,尤以“ 皖”字版大清銅幣存世量極為稀少,目前這樣的錢幣投資市場更火熱,行情大漲,藏品為不可多得的收藏重器、保存很好、極為罕見、有巨大的投價值、及收藏價值。

The founding of the Qing Dynasty copper circle began in 1900 (twenty-six years in the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (three years in Xuan Tong). Although casting circulation time is only more than ten years, in its heyday, there were 17 provinces and 20 bureaus all over the country to start casting copper round. In the late Qing Dynasty, the price of copper rose, and the money was destroyed by the people. Guangdong stopped making money, and the market was short of money and small circulation was very inconvenient. In order to save the money shortage and be influenced by Hong Kong's copper dollar and foreign currency, in June 26, Guangxu, Governor Deshou of Guangdong and former Governor Li Hongzhang made a decision to imitate Hong Kong's copper coin casting mechanism. In this paper, the large copper coin is the Anhui version. This coin was made for the Ministry of Hubu Daqing Copper coin when it was made for ten bronze yuan. The overall product is quite good with natural cytoplasm and exquisite moulding technology. Qianmian: In the Pearl circle, the Chinese character "Daqing Copper coin, circle (Hubu Wan version), the lower ring"Dang Shiwen"; on the back is a vivid divine dragon, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon, in folklore, the dragon can increase a person's luck, so that it always tends to good luck and avoid evil under the protection of the dragon. Therefore, this kind of coin has always been loved by collectors. There are many types of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty. Especially, the "Wan" version of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty is very rare. At present, the investment market for such coins is more hot and the market is soaring. Collections are rare, well preserved, extremely rare, with great investment value and income. Hidden value.

近幾年“大清銅幣”一度成為收藏界追捧的寵兒,動輒上百萬的天價,其存世量稀少,收藏價值極高。在2010年拍賣會上,一枚大清銅幣(戶部 皖 丙午 當制錢十文)以 285萬人民幣成交。大清銅幣是近代中國鑄幣史上的精品,是價值高的歷史文物,具有深遠的文化紀念意義;同時,還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。珍貴的大清銅幣見證了晚清民國時期驚天動地的偉大歷史,由于歷經百年風雨,并且其存世量稀少,尤其是品相好的更為稀缺,因此很受收藏愛好者青睞。

In recent years, "Daqing Copper coin" once became the favorite of the collectors. It is worth millions of dollars. Its stock is scarce and its collection value is very high. At the 2010 auction, a large Qing copper coin (ten pieces of money made in Wan-Jian noon by the Ministry of Household Affairs) was traded at 2.85 million RMB. The bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty is a high-value historical relic in the history of modern Chinese coinage. It has profound cultural Memorial significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object in Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious copper coins of the Great Qing Dynasty witnessed the tremendous history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Because they have gone through a hundred years of storms and storms, and their stock is scarce, especially those with good quality, they are very popular with collectors.





此件藏品現在展賣于古玩行商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。

The collection is now on display on the platform of the antique shop. According to the treasure holder, the ancient coin was handed down from the ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers and is a peerless masterpiece. After learning that it has this rare treasure, our company specially invited it to take part in this ancient coin. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in cash flow. I am willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to search for a buyer through internet media. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the business contact number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.

標簽:制錢 銅幣 戶部 古玩 大清



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