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  縱觀近年錢幣市場,民國袁大頭銀幣異軍突起。業內專家認為 "民國銀幣" 的收藏意義和價值極大, 應當成為收藏界別具一格的收藏品類,其收藏潛力是無可限量的。









  民國三年(1914年)二月國民政府財政部公布《中華民國國幣條例》,整頓統一幣制,規定民國三年袁頭像銀幣一元為本位幣。重七錢二分,成色銀九銅一(后改為89%),統一流通。由天津造幣廠開鑄。后南京 、廣東 、武昌 、甘肅造幣分廠陸續開鑄,幣值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有簽字 、無簽字版,邊齒為185 、170道直線。紀年有三年 、八年 、九年、十年四種,細微差異頗多,成色參差不齊。本品為民國三年(1914年)蘭州造幣廠鑄,此系甘肅"袁大頭"最初鑄品,花文較粗,成色甚劣,鑄不多。

  藏品品相精致,其審美風格獨持,錢幣正面鮮然可見中間為袁世凱, (均為光頭)戎裝左側面像,上方為"中華民國三年"; ,而錢背是兩株交叉的稻穗,中央為"壹圓"字樣。錢幣雖小,也可管窺社會文化一斑。其包漿入骨,熟舊自然,深打字口清楚,流通痕跡明顯,邊齒過關,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。它有著歷史熏陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義;同時還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。

This coin is well-crafted and good in quality. Those in power have the vision of Guotai, the people's security and good luck. The folk collection symbolizes the auspicious treasure of "home and everything prosper", so it has high collection research value. This big head Yuan was personally appraised and checked by a national cultural relics expert teacher and concluded that this coin: the coin is neatly made, the patterns are tight and flat, the patterns are clear and fine, the color is intact, the front and back appearances are very well preserved, and the silver quality Good quality, exquisite money and good appearance. In particular, the artistic image on the back is an important theme of my country's traditional decoration. It has left immortal shapes on many buildings and artifacts from the Republic of China to the present. Its economic value has also soared, and it has far-reaching historical commemorative significance. It is also a rare object in archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture; and the preservation of its appearance is really exquisite and precious; it is favored by collectors in the coin market; it has a higher appreciation space and Collection value.

   Throughout the coin market in recent years, the Republic of China Yuan big head silver coin has emerged. Experts in the industry believe that the collection of "Republic of China Silver Coins" is of great significance and value, and should become a unique collection category in the collection industry, and its collection potential is unlimited.

  One: The historical depth of the collection of "Republic of China Silver Coins" is self-evident, and it is also a full expression of the love of coin culture.

  Second: The "Republic of China Silver Coins" are exquisitely made, with exquisite patterns, beautiful characters, brilliant silver, and attractive appearance, coupled with abrasion resistance, small damage, and easy storage, which makes people love them.

   Third: Silver coins are made of precious metals, and the number of production is much less than copper coins and paper money. In addition, during the period of the Republic of China, the social turmoil and the people's livelihood were hard to live. Most of the silver coins were held by a small number of officials, eunuchs, merchants or wealthy people, and the number of them was limited.

  Fourth: The large number of exchanges in the early days of liberation caused a large loss of the remaining silver coins, and now there are fewer of them in the world.

Fifth: In the past few years, many people sold some silver coins in various ways or made them into rings, earrings, etc., and the silver coins in the world suffered losses again.

Collection value: "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollars in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver dollar variety among nearly a thousand modern silver coins in my country. As the saying goes, "Yuan Datou" refers to the silver dollar with the head of Yuan Shikai that was cast in the third year of the Republic of China (1914). This kind of silver dollar was widely circulated before the war of resistance against Japan, and it has existed for a long time thereafter. It is an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system.

   Historical influence: The appearance of "Yuan Datou" in the history of Chinese currency is the inevitable result of the development of the silver dollar. After years of casting, the number of "Yuan Datou" has increased and the circulation has become wider. Although remote and border areas, there are traces of it. By March 1920, the Tianjin Mint Factory and its branches had cast a total of more than 380 million yuan of "Yuan Datou" silver dollars, in addition to some five-point new silver coins. The "Yuan Big Head" silver dollar gradually squeezed out "Eagle Yang" and "Long Yang" from the market, promoted the unification of the silver dollar, and prepared conditions for the "abolition of the two yuan". It was an epoch-making achievement in the modern currency history of China. China's currency history occupies a very important position.

   background introduction:

   In February of the Republic of China (1914), the Ministry of Finance of the National Government promulgated the "Regulations on the National Currency of the Republic of China", rectifying the unified currency system, and stipulating that the Yuan head silver coin in the third year of the Republic of China is one yuan as the currency. It weighs seven coins and two cents, fine silver and nine bronzes (later changed to 89%), and circulates uniformly. Founded by the Tianjin Mint. Later, mint factories in Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang, and Gansu opened successively, with currency values ??such as one yuan, half yuan, two jiao, and one jiao. With signature and without signature, the side teeth are 185 and 170 straight lines. There are four years, three years, eight years, nine years, and ten years, with many subtle differences and uneven colors. This product was cast by the Lanzhou Mint in the third year of the Republic of China (1914). This is the original casting of the "Yuan Datou" in Gansu Province. The pattern is relatively thick, the color is very poor, and there are not many casts.

The collection is exquisite in appearance and unique in aesthetic style. On the front of the coin, it is rare to see Yuan Shikai in the middle, (both with bald heads) on the left side of the military uniform, and "Three Years of the Republic of China" on the top; and the back is two crossed rice plants. Ear, the word "Yiyuan" in the center. Although the coins are small, they can also give a glimpse of society and culture. It is packed into the bone, mature and natural, deep typing is clear, circulation marks are obvious, and the edges are clear. It has extremely high investment value and collection value. It has historical influence, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, and has far-reaching historical memorial significance; at the same time, it is also a rare object in archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture.

標簽:迪拜 拍賣 精品 推薦



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