[Tibet.Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.
【類型】: 字 畫
【規格】:長:132.8cm 寬:33.2cm
【Name】:Yu you-ren word
【Tybe】: Calligraphy and painting
【Specifications】:Length: 132.8cm Width: 33.2cm
Yu Youren (1879.04.11 -- 1964.11.10), han nationality, was born in Sanyuan, Shaanxi province. His ancestral home was In Doukou Village, Jingyang. He was a Chinese politician, educator and calligrapher in modern Times. Originally named Bo Xun, the word "seductive" was later named after "seductive", a homophone for "right Ren". Other signature "SAO heart" "Shuweng", old age since the number "Taiping old man".
Yu Youren was a member of the Tong Meng Hui in his early years and served as a senior official in the National government for many years. He was also a calligrapher in modern China. He was the founder of Fudan University, Shanghai University, National Northwest Agricultural and Forestry College (now Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University), and the director of Fudan University and Private Nantong University.
1879年(清光緒五年),于右任出生于陜西三原縣東關河道巷。1895年(清光緒二十一年)以第一名成績考入縣學,成為秀才。1897年(清光緒二十三年),在三原宏道書院、涇陽味經書院和西安關中書院繼續求學,受教于劉古愚,與吳宓、張季鸞并稱為“關學”余脈。1898年(清光緒二十四年),參加歲試,以第一名成績補廩膳生,被陜西提督學政葉爾愷譽為“西北奇才”。1900年(清光緒二十六年),八國聯軍攻陷北京,慈禧、光緒帝出逃西安,參加“跪迎”,寫下詩篇,自編成《半哭半笑樓詩草》,于1903年冬在三原印行。1904年(清光緒三十年),清廷下令拿辦于右任。于逃離開封到上海,化名劉學裕,入馬相伯創辦的震旦學院讀書。1905年(清光緒三十一年),于右任出錢、出關系并聘用馬相伯、葉仲裕、邵力子等共同另行籌組復旦公學(今復旦大學),中秋節正式開學。 1906年4月(清光緒三十二年),于右任為創辦《神州日報》赴日本考察新聞并募集辦報經費,在日本得會孫中山,并加入同盟會。1907年起(清宣統二年),先后創辦《神州日報》、《民立報》積極宣傳民主革命。1912年春,于右任辭職,回上海繼續辦報。“二次革命”失敗,《民立報》被查封,于避居日本,從事反袁斗爭。1922年10月,于右任創辦上海大學并擔任校長。1924年,國民黨在廣州召開第一次全國代表大會,于右任當選為中央執行委員。1926年,與馮玉祥、劉覺民等人解救西安之圍,出任駐陜總司令。擔任國民政府審計院長、監察院長。1928年9月,擔任私立南通大學(Nantung University)校董(1930年11月,私立南通大學更名為私立南通學院)。 1929年始,從事歷代草書之研究,1932年發起成立草書研究社,創辦《草書月刊》。1932年秋,籌備建設國立西北農林專科學校(今西北農林科技大學)。1964年,因為政治原因而長期郁悶成疾,病逝于臺北。
Yu Youren was born in 1879 (the fifth year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) in Dongguan River Lane, Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province. In 1895 (the 21st year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), he was admitted to the county school with the first prize and became a scholar. In 1897 (the 23rd year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), he continued to study in Sanyuan Hongdao Academy, Jingyang Weijing Academy and Xi 'an Guanzhong Academy, where he was taught by Liu Guyu and known as the "guan Xue" afterpulse together with Wu Mi and Zhang Jiluan. In 1898 (the 24th year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), he took part in the New Year's exam and won the first place in replenishment of Linshan food. He was praised as the "northwest wizard" by Ye Erkai, the school governor of Shaanxi province. In 1900 (the 26th year of the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), when the Eight-power allied forces captured Beijing, Cixi and Guangxu fled to Xi 'an and took part in the "kneeling down to greet". They wrote poems, which were composed by themselves and published in Sanyuan in the winter of 1903. In 1904 (the thirtieth year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), he was appointed by the Qing court. In kaifeng fled to Shanghai, alias Liu Xueyu, entered the Aurora College founded by Ma Xiangbo. In 1905 (the thirty-first year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), Yu Youren paid money, made connections and employed Ma Xiangbo, Ye Zhongyu, Shao Lizi and other jointly organized Fudan Public School (now Fudan University), the Mid-Autumn Festival officially opened. In April 1906 (the 32nd year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), Yu Youren went to Japan to investigate news for the establishment of "Shenzhou Daily" and to raise funds for running a newspaper. He met Sun Yat-sen in Japan and joined the Tong Meng Hui. Since 1907 (the second year of Xuantong of the Qing Dynasty), he founded Shenzhou Daily and Minli Daily to actively publicize the democratic revolution. In the spring of 1912, Yu Youren resigned and returned to Shanghai to continue running a newspaper. The "second Revolution" failed, and the Minli Newspaper was shut down and fled to Japan to fight against Yuan. In October 1922, Yu Founded Shanghai University and became its President. In 1924, the Kuomintang held its first National Congress in Guangzhou and elected to the central Executive committee. In 1926, he joined Feng Yuxiang, Liu Juemin and others to rescue the siege of Xi 'an and became the commander-in-chief in Shaanxi. Served as President of audit and President of supervision of the National government. In September 1928, he took over the council of Nantung University, a private University that was renamed Nantung College in November 1930. Since 1929, he has been engaged in the research of cursive script. In 1932, he founded the cursive script Research Society and the Monthly magazine of Cursive script. In the autumn of 1932, the National Northwest Agriculture and Forestry College (now Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University) was prepared for construction. He died in Taipei in 1964 after a long period of political depression.
His calligraphy works are numerous, and his calligraphy works are composed and full of variations, and there is no lack of innovation in classical works. This calligraphic work is an original handwritten work by Yu Youren. The paper is in good condition, with a width of 33.2cm and a longitudinal length of 132.8cm. Pen dragon snake place, read only feel qi Ileum, endless aftertaste, add thousands of regrets in my heart. Wherever the pen goes, it shows the extraordinary atmosphere, such as flowing water, the dragon and the Phoenix dance is full of fortitude, beauty without losing vigor, the words convey the spirit, the pen tension, in the inheritance of the tradition of innovation, in the development of innovation and the degree of hair, with distinctive personal characteristics. The whole well preserved, for the great treasure of calligraphy collection.
Throughout the current Chinese painting and calligraphy market, ancient painting and calligraphy and modern painting and calligraphy has been the focus of the main market capital. Ancient paintings and calligraphy have been ranked first in the collection price because of their extremely precious historical data value and artistic value as well as the scarcity of resources. In recent years, the artistic and economic value of modern masters' painting and calligraphy has also been promoted to the peak, and its price has skyrocketed as if sitting on a rocket. Many fine works even surpass ancient paintings and calligraphy to occupy the top spot in art trade. This calligraphy work of Yu Youren has been well preserved and is a treasure.
This collection is the core recommended collection of this Singapore Auction. Welcome to come to Singapore Auction for consultation and auction. It's a rare opportunity!