清明上河圖,中國十大傳世名畫之一。為北宋風俗畫,北宋畫家張擇端僅見的存世精品,屬國寶級文物,現藏于北京故宮博物院。清明上河圖寬 25.2 厘米,長 428.7 厘米,絹本設色。作品以長卷形式,采用散點透視構圖法,生動記錄了中國十二世紀北宋汴京的城市面貌和當時社會各階層人民的生活狀況。是汴京當年繁榮的見證,也是北宋城市經濟情況的寫照。這在中國乃至世界繪畫史上都是獨一無二的。具有很高的歷史價值和藝術價值。
Qingming Riverside Picture, one of the top ten famous paintings handed down from ancient times in China. As a genre painting of Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zeduan, a painter of Northern Song Dynasty, is a national treasure, and is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing. The Qingming Riverside Map is 25.2 cm wide and 428.7 cm long, with silk colors. In the form of a long scroll, the works vividly recorded the urban features of Bianjing in the 12th Northern Song Dynasty of China and the living conditions of people from all walks of life at that time. It was a witness to the prosperity of Bianjing in that year, and also a portrayal of the urban economic situation in Northern Song Dynasty. This is unique in the history of painting in China and even in the world. It has high historical value and artistic value.
《清明上河圖》,是一幅舉世聞名的現實主義風俗畫卷。千余年來,此畫聲名顯赫,廣受青睞,仿摹者眾多。 此《清明上河圖》為南宋遺逸趙孟頫精摹本,此幅畫作的右側開頭有“清明上河圖”5個大字,后面有趙孟頫的題字和“翰林學士”印章。整幅作品看上去微微發黃,整體保存完整。畫面內容與張擇端版無異,人物、房屋、樹木、舟船、馬匹無不刻畫精細,行為動作,表情神態無不極具神韻。如此巨幅作品精摹入微,在效仿前人的同時又表現出自己的藝術修養,歷經歲月流傳至今也已成為稀世珍品。趙孟頫并于畫作上部題寫詩文,堪稱詩畫雙絕,是不可多得的書畫精品!
The Qingming Riverside Picture is a world-famous picture of realistic customs. For more than 1,000 years, this painting is famous and popular, with many imitators. This Qingming Riverside Map is a fine copy of Zhao Mengfu, a relic of the Southern Song Dynasty. On the right side of this painting, there are five characters "Qingming Riverside Map" at the beginning, followed by Zhao Mengfu's inscription and the seal of "Hanlin Bachelor". The whole work looks slightly yellow and is completely preserved. The content of the picture is no different from that of the Zhang Zeduan version. People, houses, trees, boats and horses are all finely depicted, and their actions and expressions are all very verve. Such a huge work is meticulously copied, while imitating predecessors, it also shows its own artistic accomplishment, and it has become a rare treasure after years of spreading. Zhao Mengfu also wrote poems on the upper part of his paintings, which is a unique combination of poetry and painting, and is a rare masterpiece of calligraphy and painting!
趙孟頫(1254年10月20日-1322年7月30日),字子昂,漢族,號松雪道人 ,又號水晶宮道人、鷗波,中年曾署孟俯。浙江吳興(今浙江湖州)人。南宋末至元初著名書法家、畫家、詩人,宋太祖趙匡胤十一世孫、秦王趙德芳嫡派子孫。
Zhao Mengfu (October 20, 1254-July 30, 1322), a native of Songxuedao, Song Xuedao and Ou Bo, was born in Meng Fu in his middle age. Xing Wu, Zhejiang Province (now Huzhou, Zhejiang Province). He is a famous calligrapher, painter and poet from the end of Southern Song Dynasty to the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the 11th grandson of Zhao Kuangyin, Song Taizu, and the direct descendant of Zhao Defang, the king of Qin.
Zhao Mengfu is versatile, capable of poetry and writing, understanding economy, calligraphy, fine painting, good at epigraphy, and understanding appreciation. In particular, calligraphy and painting achieved the highest achievement, creating a new style of painting in Yuan Dynasty, which was called "the crown of Yuan people". Since the age of five, Zhao Mengfu began to learn books for several days, until he died, he still watched books and wrote characters, so he loved calligraphy to a special liking. He is good at seal script, official script, true script, script and cursive script, and is especially famous for his script and script. His style of writing is charming, elegant, neat and well-written, and he is known as "Zhao Ti" in the world. Together with Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan and Ou Yangxun, they are called "Four Masters" in regular script.
Qingming Riverside Picture, one of the top ten famous paintings handed down from ancient times in China. As a genre painting of Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zeduan, a painter of Northern Song Dynasty, is a national treasure, and is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing. In the form of a long scroll, the works vividly recorded the urban features of Tokyo (also known as Bianjing, now Kaifeng, Henan Province), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty in China in the 12th century, and the living conditions of people from all walks of life at that time.
This painting is a Zhao Mengfu version of "Qingming Riverside Map", with fine painters, vivid pictures, lively characters and different shapes. People come and go on the streets, which reflects the prosperous scene of Bianjing at that time. The shops on the street are mixed, and the merchant ships in the river keep hawking, attracting the people in the past. Although it is not the original, the Zhao Mengfu version is also rare.
The whole picture shows the contents of "going out of the suburbs", "going to the river", "going to the market" and "sweeping the grave". The figures and animals in the picture are vivid and different in shape. The buildings such as houses and bridges fully reflect the cultural characteristics of the Song Dynasty at that time, and also highlight the prosperity of the capital city at that time.
Although there is only one original "Qingming Riverside Map", there is no shortage of fine works in imitations, and similar collections have a high turnover rate in domestic and foreign auctions. In May 2008, at the Poly Spring Auction in Beijing, a Qingming Riverside Map of Chou Ying in Ming Dynasty was sold at Kunlun Hotel in Beijing for RMB 5,275,200. In the 2014 Hong Kong Tiandu Winter Auction, a clear imitation of Qingming Riverside Map was sold at a sky-high price of HK$ 48.6 million, which shows its value.