琺瑯彩瓷絕對是瓷器中的“貴族”。清代康熙晚期,內務府造辦處設立的琺瑯作坊,在傳統(tǒng)的銅胎畫琺瑯基礎上,引進外國的各種琺瑯彩料和琺瑯畫技藝,燒制出瓷胎后,再畫上琺瑯彩畫,被稱為琺瑯彩。琺瑯彩瓷胎質地潔白細膩,釉面瑩潤如玉,色調明快艷麗,制作工藝精湛,有油畫效果,遠非其它瓷器所能比。作為名貴的宮廷御用器,琺瑯彩瓷的生產(chǎn)歷史卻很 短,只有康熙、雍正至乾隆中期前后約四十年。 琺瑯彩料與中國傳統(tǒng)釉上彩料不同,主要成分是硼酸鹽和硅酸鹽的混合物,在不透明的白色易熔琺瑯料中加入適量金屬氧化物色素,品種非常豐富,主要有白、綠、黃、藍、紫、礬紅、胭脂紅、赭、墨等,且有濃淡之別,更有中和色出現(xiàn),如倭瓜黃、杏黃、蛋黃、葵綠、孔雀 藍、孔雀綠等等難以計數(shù)。 琺瑯彩的制造過程非常復雜、精細,在景德鎮(zhèn)挑選最好的白色瓷胎,琺瑯料從歐洲進口。
Enamel porcelain is absolutely the "aristocrat" in porcelain. In the late Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the enamel workshop set up by the manufacturing office of the Ministry of internal affairs introduced a variety of foreign enamel color materials and enamel painting techniques on the basis of the traditional copper body painting enamel. After firing the porcelain body, the enamel painting was painted, which was called enamel color. The enamel color porcelain body is white and delicate in texture, and the glaze is as smooth as jade. The color is bright and gorgeous, and the production technology is exquisite. It has the effect of oil painting, which is far beyond the comparison of other porcelains. As a valuable imperial ware, the production history of enamel porcelain is very short, only about 40 years from Kangxi and Yongzheng to the middle of Qianlong. Enamel pigment is different from traditional Chinese glaze color material. The main component is the mixture of borate and silicate. Adding appropriate amount of metal oxide pigment into opaque white fusible enamel material, the variety is very rich, mainly including white, green, yellow, blue, purple, alum red, carmine, ochre, ink, etc., and there are different shades, and neutral colors appear, such as Japanese melon yellow, apricot yellow, egg yolk, etc Sunflower green, malachite blue, malachite green and so on are hard to count. The manufacturing process of enamel color is very complex and delicate. The best white porcelain body is selected in Jingdezhen, and the enamel material is imported from Europe.
在北京由宮廷專門設立的“琺瑯作坊”里彩繪、焙燒,整個過程要求非常嚴格。所以,在所有的瓷器中,琺瑯彩造價最貴。琺瑯彩造價成本最高,藝術水平也是最高的,且數(shù)量少,僅供皇帝后妃秘玩,每一件都是精工細制,每一件都不重樣。故在清末之前,出自清康雍乾隆盛世 三朝的琺瑯彩瓷器是百分之百的宮廷御用品,絕對不會出現(xiàn)在民間。 清代,所有的瓷器都在景德鎮(zhèn)燒,唯有琺瑯彩瓷器是在故宮內燒。琺瑯彩瓷器在雍正時期技術上到了極盛階段,這與雍正皇帝本人的喜好有很大關系。雍正帝時常親自過問琺瑯彩瓷器的制造。他欽命怡親王負責主持,還配備精通工藝設計的郎中海望、員外郎沈崳、制瓷專家唐英等人專門負責管理,并集中全國的能工巧匠及畫家于大內供職。在紋飾方面,發(fā)展出詩、書、畫融為一體的白地琺瑯彩,形成雍正朝獨特的藝術風格,達到了雍正諭旨中注重“內廷 恭造之式”,排除“外造之氣”的要求。
In the "enamel workshop" specially set up by the court in Beijing, the whole process of painting and baking is very strict. Therefore, of all the porcelains, enamel is the most expensive. The cost of enamel is the highest, and the art level is also the highest, and the quantity is small. It is only for the emperor and empress to play secretly. Each piece is made with fine workmanship, and each piece is not duplicated. Therefore, before the end of the Qing Dynasty, the enamel porcelain from the three dynasties of Kangyong Qianlong was 100% of the Royal goods, and would never appear in the folk. In the Qing Dynasty, all the porcelains were fired in Jingdezhen, only the enamel porcelain was fired in the Forbidden City. The technology of enamel porcelain reached its peak in Yongzheng period, which was closely related to Emperor Yongzheng's personal preference. Emperor Yongzheng often personally involved in the manufacture of enamel porcelain. He ordered Prince Yi to be in charge of it. He also had Lang Zhong Hai Wang, Yuan Wai Lang Shen Yu and porcelain expert Tang Ying, who were proficient in craft design, to be in charge of the management. He also concentrated the skilled craftsmen and painters from all over the country to serve in the University. In the aspect of ornamentation, it developed the white enamel color of poetry, calligraphy and painting, forming a unique artistic style of Yongzheng Dynasty, which met the requirements of paying attention to the "respectful creation of the inner court" and excluding the "external creation" in the Yongzheng edict.
The most typical enamel porcelain of Yongzheng is a person who writes the words "Yongzheng year system" on the bottom of the objects with blue enamel. This kind of enamel porcelain, the process of painting patterns and writing money is almost completed in the Qing palace office, which belongs to the type of Qing palace materials. For example, the Yongzheng enamel red chrysanthemum pattern dish, the enamel yellow ground peony pattern bowl, the enamel yellow ground Zhilan birthday plate, the enamel color landscape pattern plate, the enamel color landscape pattern bowl, the enamel green land rose green bamboo pattern bowl and so on, all belong to this kind of product. According to the records of the Qing palace, Emperor Yongzheng not only gave the enamel porcelain decorated with "fine" and "delicate" patterns to his friends At the same time, princes and nobles from Mongolia, Tibet and other places also ordered that the casket should be used as a collection for eternal transmission.