“光緒元寶”當時共十九個省局鑄造。除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆在其正面上緣鐫寫省名。計有:1戶部;2北洋;3吉林;4奉天;5清江;6浙江;7江南;8廣東;9山東;10福建;11湖南;12湖北;13四川;14江西;15河南;16安徽;17廣西;18新疆;19黑龍江。據了解,錢幣收藏一般分為紙幣、金銀紀念幣和古錢幣三大類,而古錢幣中銀元一直是一大熱點。因為銀元材質珍貴,藝術價值高。北洋機器局初鑄銀元是在光緒十五年,面值僅“一元”一種,是天津官造的呈樣銀幣,未流通,直至光緒二十二年,始鑄流通銀幣。“大清光緒二十二年北洋機器局造”,面值有“一元”、“五角”、“兩角”、“一角”、“半角”五種。是中國套以元為單位的計值銀幣。公元1903年7月,提出銀幣專由造幣總廠制造,保留南洋(江南)、北洋、廣東、湖北四局為分廠。銀幣材質珍貴,藝術價值高,由貴重金屬或白銀合金鑄造,制作精美,圖案考究,文字清秀,內容豐富,銀光純正,品相俊美。此枚北洋造光緒元寶為34年版。直徑:39.5mm ,紀重:26.9g 。銀幣正面中央珠圈內鐫滿漢文“光緒元寶”四字,珠圈外上端鐫漢文“北洋造”,下端鐫幣值“庫平七錢二分”,左右兩端各鐫一個圓點。銀幣背面中央鐫蟠龍圖,上環鐫英文“光緒34年”,下鐫英文“北洋”,左右兩端稍下側各鐫一個圓點。此北洋造光緒元寶保存完好,包漿自然,做工精致,品相上乘。文字鼓凸,筆劃紋飾滾圓深竣,楷書文字書法極為端莊大氣,間架結構平衡舒展。蟠龍圖案,眼神靈異炯炯有神,龍鱗排列細密有致且珍珠紋粒粒無虛無粘,龍爪張揚,遒勁有力。邊齒標準,圈齒凸起,顆粒清晰,地章平整,光滑如板。藏品的品相精美,其審美個性獨持,錢幣正面鮮然可見滿漢文化的交融,而錢背卻清晰標明了西方文化的介入。其包漿入骨,熟舊天然,深打字口明白,流轉痕跡顯著,邊齒過關,龍鱗清晰,具有極高的出資價值和保藏價值。
The Guangxu Yuan in the 34th year of the Reign of Emperor Guangxu was made by the Beiyang Bureau in 1908. The central bead ring on the obverse side of the silver coin engraved with the Chinese characters "Guangxu yuan Bao", the upper end of the bead ring engraved with the Chinese words "Made in beiyang", the lower end engraved with the Chinese currency "Kuping seven qian two", and the left and right ends each engraved with a spot. Silver coin back engraved panlong drawing in the center, the upper ring engraved English "Guangxu 34 years" engraved English "Beiyang", the left and right ends slightly lower side each engraved a dot. Guangxu yuan Bao was one of the COINS circulated during the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. A total of 19 provincial bureau casting, in addition to the central ministry, the local province casting copper. It was one of the first to introduce overseas technology to print and circulate currency, which also has some historical significance for today. "Guangxu yuan Bao" is one of the earliest mechanism COINS in China. It is one of the top ten honorary COINS in modern Mechanism COINS of China, commonly known as "Longyang". It is named after the dragon pattern on the back of the coin. It has important practical and historical significance, and coupled with the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China war and other factors, some of the more precious Guangxu silver is rare in the world, the collection value is high. Many collectors are flocking to it and bidding for it. The development course of beiyang silver dollar reflected the advance and retreat of China's monetary policy in the late Qing Dynasty. Understanding the history of coinage and the changing process of the mint can not only.