[Specification]: weight: 92g
【簡介】:銀錠,中國古代貨幣,即熔鑄成錠的白銀。重量不等,因此以“兩”為主要重量單位,故又稱銀兩。始自漢代,其后各代皆有鑄造,但流通不廣。銀錠至明代盛行,但不是國家法定銀錠貨幣。直至清朝,開始作為主要貨幣流通。也就是我們經常在清劇中看到的“元寶”。清代是中國銀錠鑄造和發展的鼎盛時期,由于地域不同,鑄造工藝流程不同,各地銀錠的器型各異、形式多樣、名稱繁多,深受銀錠集藏者喜愛。銀錠具有較高的保值功能,近幾年價格暴漲。銀錠,這種承載著悠久貨幣文化和歷史的古代錢幣,雖然已經退出了商業舞臺,但它現在的價值卻是不容忽視的。銀錠是經由銀匠之手鑄成,因此每一件銀錠都是獨一無二的藝術品,現今存世的古代銀錠,非常稀少,而銘文錠更是不多見。如今,古代銀錠作為一種珍貴的收藏品,被各路專家學者及收藏者們爭相看好。在中國貨幣史上,銀錠流通過很長一段時間,因為是由白銀熔鑄而成,所以具有很高的收藏價值,可以說未來的升值空間會更大,可以說是古錢幣收藏中的一個特殊的存在,特別此件藏品存世量相當的稀少, 是不可多的一件傳世的佳品 。望有緣人得之。
[introduction]: silver ingot, ancient Chinese currency, refers to silver ingot melted into ingots. Weight is not equal, so "Liang" is the main unit of weight, so it is also called silver. It began in the Han Dynasty, and was cast in all subsequent dynasties, but it was not widely circulated. Silver ingot was popular in the Ming Dynasty, but it was not the national legal silver ingot currency. Until the Qing Dynasty, it began to circulate as the main currency. This is the "Yuanbao" that we often see in Qing opera. The Qing Dynasty was the heyday of China's silver ingot casting and development. Due to different regions and casting processes, silver ingots in different regions had different shapes, forms and names, which were loved by silver ingot collectors. Silver ingot has a higher function of preserving value, and its price has soared in recent years. Silver ingot, an ancient coin bearing a long currency culture and history, has been withdrawn from the commercial stage, but its current value can not be ignored. Silver ingots are made by the hands of silversmiths. Therefore, each silver ingot is a unique work of art. Nowadays, there are very few ancient silver ingots, and the inscriptions are rare. Nowadays, as a precious collection, ancient silver ingots are favored by experts, scholars and collectors. In the history of Chinese currency, silver ingot flow through a long period of time, because it is made of silver, so it has a very high collection value. It can be said that the appreciation space in the future will be greater. It can be said that it is a special existence in the collection of ancient coins. Especially, the quantity of this collection is quite rare, and it is a rare masterpiece. I hope you will get it.