云南盛世九州藝術品有限責任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推薦合作單位,是一家以藝術品展覽、展銷、鑒定、評估、拍賣、國內貿易等業務為推廣的國際文化藝術品交流中心,也是中國國學院大學授權成立的文化藝術品研究所。 公司聯合中國國學院大學,開創藝術品+金融投資體系,借力資本市場,整合各界資源,實現資本與藝術品的有效對接,積極推動國內藝術品行業與國際藝術品市場接軌,打造以云南為核心的大型藝術品交易平臺。
【名稱】 宣統三年大清銀幣
【規格】 重:25.9g 直徑:3.92cm 厚:0.3cm
此枚大清銀幣重 25. 9g, 直徑 39. 21mm, 錢面上書滿文,下書“宣統三年”, 內圈書“大清銀幣”四字,左右為花枝圖案。該類型錢幣圖案精致且存世稀少珍貴,這枚錢幣品相完整,保存良好,有效的展示出了該類型錢幣的藝術特征。龍是我國古代傳說中一種有鱗有爪并能興風作雨的神異動物。千百年來,龍作為中華民族的象征,受到億萬龍的傳人頂禮膜拜。龍的藝術形象,成為我國傳統裝飾的主要題材,在從古至今的許多修建、器物上都留下了不朽的造型。在作為財富象征的錢幣上尋覓到龍的蹤跡,這是藏家們喜歡大清銀幣的緣故原由之一。此大清龍的刻畫活靈活現,龍紋細致清晰,雕刻工藝更是爐火純青,把神龍的高貴形象體現的淋漓盡致,從色澤上看光滑亮麗,包漿醇厚,制作工藝精巧,是值得收藏的一件藝術佳作。在市場上較其罕見,能保存于民間的微乎其微,有著極高的收藏價值。 知名收藏家劉益謙先生曾經說過:大清銀幣像這種幣,一直以來都是大收藏家夢寐以求的,對于這種極具收藏價值的藏品,收集到便是緣分,福氣。現在市面上流通的,大多數為贗品,因為真品“大清銅幣”存世量是極為稀少的,真品“大清銅幣”,一直都是有價無市。十大名譽錢幣之“大清銀幣”藏品背面神龍紋路清晰,如刀刻所成,鑄造工藝神乎其技,且龍身紋路精美,并有云海襯托,看上去仿佛是一幅神龍翱翔天際油畫,極其瑰麗,美得動人心魄!
上下數千年,龍已滲透了中國社會的各個方面,成為一種文化的凝聚和積淀。龍成了中國的象征、中華民族的象征、中國文化的象征。對每一個炎黃子孫 來說,龍的形象是一種符號、一種意緒、一種血肉相聯的情感。“龍的子孫”、“龍的傳人”這些稱謂,常令我們激動、奮發、自豪。龍的文化除了在中華大地上傳 播承繼外,還被遠渡海外的華人帶到了世界各地,在世界各國的華人居住區或中國城內,最多和最引人注目的飾物仍然是龍。“大清銀幣”,背面是一條栩栩如生的神龍。在中國,收藏家極其喜歡這枚錢幣,因為中華民族是龍的傳人,在民間傳說,“大清銀幣”背面的龍,能增加一個人的氣運,使其時刻在龍氣的保護下,趨吉避兇。所以大清銀幣一直深受收藏家們的喜愛,藏者甚多!
Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD
Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co., Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core.
[Name] Silver coins of Qing Dynasty in the third year of Xuantong
[Specification] Weight: 25.9g Diameter: 3.92cm Thickness: 0.3cm
[Category] Coin
The silver coin of the Qing Dynasty weighs 25.9g and has a diameter of 39.21mm. On the surface of the coin, there are Manchu characters on the coin, and "three years of Xuantong" on the bottom, and four characters of "silver coin of Qing Dynasty" in the inner circle, with flower pattern on the left and right. This type of coin is exquisite in design and rare in the world. This coin is complete and well preserved, which effectively shows the artistic characteristics of this type of coin. Dragon is a kind of supernatural animal with scales and claws and can make wind and rain in ancient Chinese legends. For thousands of years, as a symbol of the Chinese nation, the dragon has been worshipped by hundreds of millions of descendants of the dragon. The artistic image of the dragon has become the main theme of Chinese traditional decoration, and has left an immortal shape on many buildings and artifacts since ancient times. One of the reasons why Tibetans like Qing silver coins is that they can find traces of dragons on coins as symbols of wealth. The depiction of the Qing Dynasty dragon is vivid, the dragon patterns are detailed and clear, and the carving technology is perfect. It reflects the noble image of the Dragon incisively and vividly. From the color, it is smooth and bright, the coating is mellow, and the production process is exquisite. It is worth collecting. It is rare in the market, and very few can be preserved in the folk. It has a very high collection value. Mr. Liu Yiqian, a well-known collector, once said: silver coins of Qing Dynasty, like this kind of coin, have always been the dream of great collectors. For this kind of collection with great collection value, it is fate and fortune to collect them. Most of the coins in circulation are fakes, because the quantity of genuine "Daqing copper coins" is extremely rare, and the genuine "Daqing copper coins" have always been valuable without market. The dragon on the back of the collection of "Daqing silver coins", one of the top ten honorary coins, has clear lines on the back. It is like a painting of a dragon flying in the sky. It is extremely magnificent and breathtaking!
For thousands of years, dragon has penetrated into all aspects of Chinese society and become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation and the symbol of Chinese culture. For every Chinese descendant, the image of the dragon is a symbol, an idea, and a feeling of flesh and blood. The appellations "descendants of the dragon" and "descendants of the dragon" often make us excited, excited and proud. In addition to spreading and inheriting the dragon culture in China, it has also been brought to all parts of the world by overseas Chinese. In Chinese residential areas or Chinese cities around the world, the most attractive ornament is still the dragon. "Qing silver coin" has a vivid dragon on the back. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the "silver coin of Qing Dynasty" can increase a person's luck and make him pursue good fortune and avoid evil under the protection of dragon Qi. Therefore, the silver coins of Qing Dynasty have been deeply loved by collectors, and there are many collectors!