云南盛世九州藝術品有限責任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推薦合作單位,是一家以藝術品展覽、展銷、鑒定、評估、拍賣、國內貿易等業務為推廣的國際文化藝術品交流中心,也是中國國學院大學授權成立的文化藝術品研究所。 公司聯合中國國學院大學,開創藝術品+金融投資體系,借力資本市場,整合各界資源,實現資本與藝術品的有效對接,積極推動國內藝術品行業與國際藝術品市場接軌,打造以云南為核心的大型藝術品交易平臺。
【名稱】 聚寶盆
【規格】 高:11.9cm 口徑:39.5cm 底徑:26.6cm
此藏品為周先生收藏 ,此藏品為清代聚寶盆。聚寶盆是中國古代民間傳說故事中的一個寶物,傳說明初沈萬三致富原因是由于擁有聚寶盆。這個典故來自于周人龍的《挑燈集異》:“明初沈萬三微時,見漁翁持青蛙百余,將事銼剞,以鏹買之,縱于池中。嗣后喧鳴達旦,貼耳不能寐,晨往驅之,見蛙俱環踞一瓦盆,異之,將歸以為浣手器。萬三妻偶遺一銀釵于盆中,銀釵盈滿,不可數計,以錢銀試之亦如是,由是財雄天下。”此藏品圓口,器型端莊高貴,胎體厚重。盆身繪有精美的圖案,底部有繁體的篆書款。整體紋飾搭配自然合理,雕刻者的手別具匠心,整體感覺氣勢磅礴,立體感十足。藏品通體亮光,包漿大氣,幽光沉穩,透露出一種溫潤的年月痕跡。為難得的稀世珍品,目前的聚寶盆投資市場火熱,行情大漲,藏品為不可多得的收藏重器、極為罕見、有巨大的投資價值及收藏價值。
Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD
Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co., Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core.
[Name] Cornucopia
[Specification] Height: 11.9cm Diameter: 39.5cm Bottom diameter: 26.6cm
[Category] Miscellaneous
This collection is collected by Mr. Zhou. It is a treasure pot of Qing Dynasty. Treasure pot is a treasure in ancient Chinese folklore. It is said that the reason why Shen Wansan became rich in the early Ming Dynasty was due to his possession of the treasure pot. This allusion comes from Zhou Renlong's Tiaodeng Jiyi: "in the early Ming Dynasty, when Shen wansanwei saw a fisherman holding more than a hundred frogs, he filed the matter and bought it with it, and then he walked in the pool. After that, the clamour of Da Dan, close to the ear can not sleep, to drive it in the morning, see the frogs all around a tile basin, different, will be attributed to the hand washing tool. Three hundred and three wives left a silver hairpin in the basin, and the silver hairpin was full of countless silver hairpins. It is also true to test it with money and silver, so that wealth dominates the world. " This collection has round mouth, dignified and noble shape, and thick carcass. The basin body is painted with exquisite patterns, and the bottom has traditional seal script style. The overall pattern collocation is natural and reasonable. The sculptor's hand shows originality, and the overall feeling is magnificent and full of three-dimensional feeling. The collection is full of bright light, covered with slurry atmosphere, light and steady, revealing a kind of warm and moist trace of years and years. For rare rare rare treasures, the current treasure pot investment market is hot, the market is soaring, the collection is a rare collection of heavy equipment, extremely rare, has great investment value and collection value.