云南盛世九州藝術品有限責任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推薦合作單位,是一家以藝術品展覽、展銷、鑒定、評估、拍賣、國內貿易等業務為推廣的國際文化藝術品交流中心,也是中國國學院大學授權成立的文化藝術品研究所。 公司聯合中國國學院大學,開創藝術品+金融投資體系,借力資本市場,整合各界資源,實現資本與藝術品的有效對接,積極推動國內藝術品行業與國際藝術品市場接軌,打造以云南為核心的大型藝術品交易平臺。
【名稱】 四川省造光緒元寶
【規格】 重:2.7g 直徑:1.86cm 厚:0.11cm
眾所周知,古錢幣是一個國家重要的歷史組成部分,就其產生的特定年代而言,它代表著中國貨幣文化各個歷史時代的滄桑演變,從這一方面上來說,它具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物考據價值。另一方面,錢幣多使用白銀或者銅制造而成,本身具有不凡的高貴價值,又不可再生、圖案雕刻精美、文字書寫清秀有力,內容極為耐人尋味,品相完整的錢幣更具有一定的保值和升值空間,備受喜愛。光緒元寶是我國使用機器沖壓制作出來的最早的一批錢幣,開創了我國機制幣的先河,在中國貨幣制造史上占有十分重要的地位,并且作為中國機制幣中的盛名譽品,其精美的造型,別致的設計贏得了全世界集幣愛好者的青睞,無愧于近代機制幣十大名譽品之一的美譽,是收藏市場上的一大熱門。古代錢幣燦若星河,而要論古錢幣的價值,當屬清朝光緒年間流轉的錢幣——光緒元寶為最。光緒元寶是珍稀的古錢幣,在歷史的推移下,雖然早已經失去了原有的流通功能,但因它是政治、經濟、文化、藝術的載體,則被賦予了藝術價值、觀賞價值、收藏價值等更為齊全的功能,這也便是錢幣愛好者如此鐘情于收藏光緒元寶的重要原因。 光緒元寶清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。光緒年間的“光緒元寶”,俗稱“龍洋”,因銀元背面一般鑄有龍紋而得名,因清代以來經歷了多場戰爭,龍紋光緒元寶損失嚴重,至今,數量已經極其有限。龍紋光緒元寶,在錢幣史上非常獨特,它所代表的不僅僅是金錢,還有光緒年間的經濟情況,是近代中國錢幣中的精品,吸引了眾多收藏家。 此枚錢幣為四川省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,直徑18.64mm,重2.7g,是清朝光緒二十四年四川省銀元局開鑄。曾在舊中國晚清和民國時期廣泛流通。銀幣正面珠圈內鐫滿漢紋“光緒元寶”四字,珠圈外上端鐫漢文“四川省造”四字,下端鐫漢文“庫平七分二厘”六字,左右兩側各鐫一個四花星;銀幣背面中央鑄蟠龍圖,上端環鑄英文“四川省”,下端環鑄英文幣值“庫平七錢二分”,左右兩端各鑄一個四花星。從藏家和市民的接受程度看,預計后期光緒元寶的價格還將繼續上漲。
Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD
Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co. Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core.
[Name] Guangxu Yuanbao made in Sichuan Province
[Specification] Weight:2.7g Diameter: 1.86cm Thickness:0.11cm
[Category] Coin
As we all know, ancient coins are an important part of the history of a country. In terms of the specific time of its emergence, it represents the vicissitudes of Chinese monetary culture in various historical periods. In this respect, it has high artistic appreciation value and cultural relics textual research value. On the other hand, coins are mostly made of silver or copper. They have extraordinary noble value and are not renewable. They are exquisitely engraved. Their writing is beautiful and powerful. The contents are very intriguing. The coins with complete appearance have a certain space for value preservation and appreciation, which are expected to be loved. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first batch of coins produced by machine stamping in China. It is the first batch of machine-made coins in China. It occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese currency manufacturing. As a famous product in China, its exquisite shape and unique design have won the favor of coin collectors all over the world. It is worthy of being one of the top ten reputation products of modern machine-made coins Reputation is a hot spot in the collection market. Ancient coins are as brilliant as stars, and to discuss the value of ancient coins, Guangxu Yuanbao is the most valuable one. Guangxu Yuanbao is a rare ancient coin. Although it has lost its original circulation function, it has been endowed with more complete functions such as artistic value, ornamental value and collection value because it is the carrier of politics, economy, culture and art. This is the important reason why coin lovers love collecting Guangxu Yuanbao. Guangxu Yuanbao is one of the currencies in circulation during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Guangxu Yuanbao, commonly known as "Longyang" in the reign of Guangxu, is named after the dragon pattern on the back of the silver coin. It has experienced many wars since the Qing Dynasty, and its number has been extremely limited. Longwen Guangxu Yuanbao is very unique in the history of coins. It represents not only money, but also the economic situation during the reign of Guangxu. It is a high-quality coin in modern China and has attracted many collectors. The coin, 18.64mm in diameter and 2.7g in weight, was coined by Sichuan silver yuan Bureau in the 24th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. It was widely circulated in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. On the front of the silver coin, the four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Manchu and Chinese were engraved inside the bead circle. On the outside of the bead circle, the Chinese character "made in Sichuan Province" was engraved on the upper end, and the Chinese character "Kuping Qifen 2 li" was engraved at the bottom, and a four flower star was engraved on the left and right sides respectively. On the back of the silver coin, a Panlong figure was cast in the center, with English "Sichuan Province" on the upper end, and "Kuping seven coins and two cents" in English on the lower ring, and a four flower star on the left and right sides 。 Judging from the acceptance of collectors and the public, it is expected that the price of Guangxu Yuanbao will continue to rise in the future.