云南盛世九州藝術品有限責任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推薦合作單位,是一家以藝術品展覽、展銷、鑒定、評估、拍賣、國內貿易等業務為推廣的國際文化藝術品交流中心,也是中國國學院大學授權成立的文化藝術品研究所。 公司聯合中國國學院大學,開創藝術品+金融投資體系,借力資本市場,整合各界資源,實現資本與藝術品的有效對接,積極推動國內藝術品行業與國際藝術品市場接軌,打造以云南為核心的大型藝術品交易平臺。
【名稱】 咸豐重寶(當十)
【規格】 重:14.6g 直徑:3.83cm 厚:0.22cm
咸豐重寶是一種銅錢此種銅錢幣十分精美,字跡清晰深俊,銅材優良,呈淺紅或黃色,錢文精美,沒一絲一毫拖泥帶水,比同版流通的錢稍大些、厚重些。當五十及以下計值稱為“咸豐重寶”,高于當五十計值稱為“咸豐元寶”,以區別于小平錢“咸豐通寶”。咸豐重寶當十錢雖然是咸豐大錢中計值較低的品種,但是由于鑄造時間早,流通區域廣,所以也是自古以來古泉愛好者最關心并致力于收藏和欣賞的計值錢幣。在諸多咸豐大錢之中,應當推舉咸豐重寶當十錢幣為最。鑄期最長、數量最大、版式最多、流通最廣,無一不在咸豐大錢中占據首位。本品重:14.6g直徑:38.31mm 厚:2.2mm,鑄體十分規整,方正圓矩,地章坦平,字廓深竣,穿輪干凈,錢文筆劃彰顯清晰。其輪邊精修倒角后,略顯具餅錢之形,緣廓之上依稀銼猶可見之,可見此錢經過精修,方具此等美品之相。由此鑄相并結合其筆劃粗細來看,雖然精整貌端,然筆劃相對較粗,鮮明的具備了初鑄樣錢之范兒。故極具收藏價值與投資價值。
Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD
Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co. Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core.
[Name] Xianfeng Zhongbao (Dangshi)
[Specification] Weight: 14.6g Diameter: 3.83cm Thickness: 0.22cm
[Category] Coin
Xianfeng chongbao is a kind of copper coin. The copper coin is very exquisite, with clear and deep handwriting. The copper material is fine. It is light red or yellow. The money is exquisite. It is slightly larger and heavier than the money in circulation of the same edition. When the value is 50 or below, it is called "Xianfeng heavy treasure", and when it is higher than 50, it is called "Xianfeng Yuanbao", which is different from Xiaoping's "Xianfeng Tongbao". Although Xianfeng chongbaodang Shiqian is a low value variety in Xianfeng large coins, because of its early casting time and wide circulation area, it is also a valuable coin that Guquan enthusiasts care about most and devote themselves to collecting and appreciating since ancient times. Among many Xianfeng large coins, Xianfeng's heavy treasure should be selected as the most important one. With the longest casting period, the largest quantity, the largest format and the widest circulation, all of them occupy the first place in Xianfeng large coins. This product weight: 14.6g, diameter: 38.31mm, thickness: 2.2mm, the casting body is very regular, square and round, the seal is flat, the outline is deep, the wheel is clean, and the stroke of Qian Wen is clear (clear). After the trimming and chamfering of the rim of the coin, it has the shape of a cake coin, and the file on the edge is still visible. It can be seen that the coin has been refined and has such a beautiful appearance. From this casting and combining with the thickness of the strokes, although the appearance is refined, the strokes are relatively thick, which clearly has the style of the initial casting coins. Therefore, it has great collection value and investment value.