since curiosity landed on mars, human exploration of mars has entered a new milestone, and the discovery of organic carbon in martian meteorites seems to confirm the existence of life on mars. mars meteorite (snco) belongs to differentiated chondrite-free meteorites, including four main rock types: the glassy chondrite shergottites, the olivine chondrite nakhlites, the pure olivine chondrite chassignite and the orthopyroxene chondrite orthopyroxenite.
In the scientific world, Mars meteorites are the rocks on the surface of Mars that humans can get before returning from Mars. Only a few of them are due to the impact of asteroids on Mars. After the impact of asteroids, rock fragments escape the gravitational pull of Mars. Some of them enter the gravitational pull of the Earth and eventually fall to the ground to become Mars meteorites. Its scientific research value and collection price can be imagined, Mars meteorite accounts for less than 1% of the global meteorite collection, its scarcity has always been the reason for the high value of Mars meteorite. This Martian meteorite is bright red in color and has a clear molten shell shape. Its sulfur burning marks are clearly visible and its body is natural. It has very high collection value and market value.