Huang Longyu was originally called yellow wax stone. It has the yellow color, the hardness of jadeite, good hardness, high transparency, bright and rich colors. Because it was produced in Longling, and its main color was yellow, it was finally named Huang Longyu. At present, from the perspective of appreciation, it can be divided into "native Huang Longyu" and "carved Huang Longyu".
《珠寶玉石名稱》國家標準(GB/T 16552-2010)2011年2月1日正式實施,標準中將國際標準的黃玉髓命名為黃龍玉。并且,不具有產地義。"本標準適用于珠寶玉石鑒定,文物,商貿,海關,保險,典當,資產評估以及科研教學,文獻出版等領域。"
The national standard "Names of Jewelry and Jade" (GB/T 16552-2010) was officially implemented on February 1, 2011, and the international standard topaz was named Huang Longyu. Moreover, it does not have the meaning of origin. "This standard is applicable to the fields of jewelry and jade identification, cultural relics, commerce and trade, customs, insurance, pawn, asset appraisal, scientific research and teaching, literature publishing, etc."
Huang Longyu is rich in jade colors, including yellow, red, white, gray, black and rare purple and green. Among them, yellow is imperial yellow, chicken oil yellow, orange yellow, bright yellow, khaki and so on; Red is chicken red, bright red, vermilion, etc. In addition to a single jade material, more Huang Longyu is characterized by two or more jade colors. According to its different color performance, people divide Huang Longyu into crow skin (black skin), gold-clad silver (white inside and yellow outside), colorful jade (Zhen 'an colorful jade material) and so on.
Today, with the rapid and stable development of society and economy, people's living standards have been significantly improved, people's demands for spiritual living standards are increasing day by day, and the high-quality resources in traditional jade have been exhausted. Many factors have provided broad prospects for the development of Huang Longyu.
As a kind of jade, Huang Longyu's culture is really inferior to Hetian jade and jadeite. As Huang Longyu, which became famous overnight in China, the collectors were mixed, but the reason was that it appeared for a short time, and it didn't form its unique jade culture. However, the early experience of jadeite in China was not satisfactory. When it first appeared, it was similar to today's Huang Longyu. It took about 70 to 80 years for everyone to pursue it. With the accumulation of time, the value of this non-renewable natural resource is comparable to that of gold, and its appreciation potential is huge. People have reason to believe that Huanglongyu will form a new jade culture.
Huang Longyu, lantian jade, dushan jade and Xiuyu, which have a long history, rich cultural heritage and appeared earlier than jadeite and Hotan, have not entered the mainstream investment collection, and even it is difficult to find a place to buy them. When people invest in jadeite and other jade, they should measure its value from the standards of species, water, color and moisture. These standards are inherent in jade, not endowed by humanities, which is also the "five virtues" used by the ancients to measure excellent jade. Therefore, in order to become a kind of rare and excellent jade, we must first possess excellent innate elements such as seed, water, color and embellishment, and then give it humanistic value through people's cognition, acceptance and appreciation, which is constantly promoted in the process.
此件藏品現在展賣于古玩行商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件黃龍玉原石重54斤,感興趣可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
This collection is now on sale in the platform of antique shops. According to the owner, the original stone of Huanglongyu weighs 54 kg. If you are interested, you can call the company's contact number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.