中華人民共和國第三套人民幣從1962年4月開始正式發行,直到2000年7月才逐漸從老百姓的生活中淡 出,在市場上共流通了38年,是現有的五套人民幣中流通時間最長的,也是我國首次完全獨立設計、印制的一套紙幣。為滿足廣大錢幣愛好者需求,《第三套人民 幣經典珍藏冊》收錄了第三套人民幣紙幣26枚,限量發售,極具收藏價值。
The third set of RMB of the people's Republic of China was officially issued in April 1962, and gradually faded out of the people's lives until July 2000. It has been circulating in the market for 38 years, which is the longest circulation time among the five sets of RMB, and is also the first set of banknotes designed and printed completely independently in China. In order to meet the needs of the majority of coin lovers, the third set of classic collection of RMB contains the third set of 26 RMB banknotes, which are sold in limited quantity and have great collection value.