四川軍政府造當制一百文銅幣,錢幣正面珠圈內書“四川銅幣”,圈外上書“軍政府造”,下書“當制錢一百文”,背面珠圈內繪有篆書“漢”,圈外上書“中華民國二年”。 這枚錢幣鑄工精美,銅質細膩,銹色自然,色澤沉穩,古樸素雅,流通痕跡自然,自然天成之相彰顯。該幣背面的18個小圈蘊藏著深厚歷史紀念意義,代表著當時的十八個省份,同時寓意著十八省人民團結起來共同為“驅逐韃虜,恢復中華”而戰斗。革命氣息非常濃烈,它是辛亥革命的見證者,是時代的印記。屬于極為稀少的極品民國錢幣。
Sichuan military government made 100 Wen copper coins. On the front of the coin, "Sichuan copper coin" was written inside the bead circle, and "made by the military government" was written outside the circle. On the back of the coin, the seal script "Han" was painted inside the bead circle, and "the second year of the Republic of China" was written outside the circle. This coin is exquisite in craftsmanship, fine in quality, natural in rust color, steady in color, simple and elegant in simplicity, natural in circulation and natural in appearance. The 18 small circles on the back of the coin contain profound historical significance, representing the 18 provinces at that time, and implying that the people of the 18 provinces united to fight for "expelling the Tartars and restoring China". Revolutionary atmosphere is very strong, it is the witness of the revolution of 1911 and the mark of the times. It belongs to the extremely rare coins of the Republic of China.