The chicken of the black chicken
雞寶是提取雞體內的結石,呈現黃色的硬塊,表面色澤有光澤,味道有效微苦,屬于性涼食物,雞寶的藥用價值非常高,食用后可以治療一些身體疾病,還可以治療男性陽痿,腎虛、陽虛等疾病,還可以有效改善腸胃疾病,預防腸胃癌癥等功效,對人體非常好。雞寶別名雞黃在民間俗稱雞靈寶,是從雞體內取出的雞結石。雞寶是一種黃黃的硬硬的,有一層膜有的還帶有血絲。雞黃完整者多呈卵形,外貌金黃至黃褐色,細膩而有光澤。雞寶是指病變卵胞,基本成分是類似于卵黃成分的一個物體。由于是卵巢的病變,功能的異常,或者是受到了外界的應急影響,導致異常發育的卵胞,就是經常說的卵黃或者蛋黃,破裂而進入腹腔的一種特大的一種物質。國外對雞寶的研究已經在癌變化療等領域有顯著成果。因此天然雞寶很珍貴。Treasure is to extract the chicken chicken body stone, yellow lump, surface luster, color effectively slightly bitter taste, belong to the sex cold food, chicken treasure medicinal value is very high, some physical illness can be treated after eating, still can be in the treatment of male impotence, kidney deficiency, Yang deficiency disease, also can effectively improve intestines and stomach disease, prevention of gastrointestinal cancer etc, to the human body is very good. Chicken treasure alias chicken yellow in the folk commonly known as chicken Lingbao, from the chicken body out of the chicken stone. Chicken treasure is a kind of yellow hard, there is a film and some with blood. Chicken yellow integrity of the oval, the appearance of golden to yellow brown, delicate and glossy. Chicken treasure refers to the pathological oocyte, the basic component is similar to yolk component of an object. As a result of the pathological changes of the ovary, functional abnormality, perhaps was affected by the emergency of the outside, bring about the oocyte with abnormal development, namely often say vitelline or yolk, burst and enter abdominal cavity a kind of very big material. Foreign research on jibao has made remarkable achievements in the field of cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, natural chicken treasure is very precious.
烏雞:又稱烏骨雞,其不僅喙、眼、腳是烏黑的,而且皮膚、肌肉、骨頭甚至大部分內臟也都是烏黑的。從營養價值上看烏雞的營養遠遠高于普通雞,口感更加細膩,至于藥用和食療作用,更是普通雞所不能相比的,因此作為禽中之寶,名貴食療珍禽,為人們滋補保健所用。烏雞含有豐富的多元不飽和脂肪酸(二十二碳六烯酸)和(二十碳五烯酸),可以防止血液凝固,預防腦溢血,腦血栓和老年癡呆癥的發生。烏雞體內含有大量的鐵,補血效果非常好。烏雞含有大量的黑色素的維生素A,維生素E,及微量元素硒。具有清除體內自由基,抑制過氧化脂質形成??顾ダ虾鸵种颇[癌細胞生長的效果。其中含量相當可觀的維生素E,對月經異常、痛經和性腺功能減退等癥狀有顯著的治療作用。烏雞肉中含有大量氨基酸,其中亮氨酸可以加速細胞的新陳代謝,促進傷口愈合。(本草綱目)有曰:烏雞可補虛勞贏弱,治消渴,中惡,益產婦。治女人崩中帶下虛損諸病。大人小兒下痢噤口。營養宜忌:烏雞連骨(雜碎)熬湯滋補效果最佳。燉煮時最好使用砂鍋文火慢燉?;悸云つw病者宜少食或忌食?;紘乐赝飧屑不紩r不宜食用烏雞。傳統醫學認為:烏雞性平,味甘,入肝、腎經,具有養陰退熱的功效。主治虛勞骨蒸,贏瘦,消渴,脾虛滑泄,下痢口噤,蹦中帶下等癥。Black chicken: also known as black bone chicken, its beak, eyes and feet are black, but also the skin, muscles, bones and even most of the internal organs are black. From the perspective of nutritional value, the nutritional value of black chicken is much higher than that of ordinary chicken, and its taste is more delicate. As for the medicinal and therapeutic effects, ordinary chicken can not be compared. Therefore, as the treasure of birds, rare and precious food and therapeutic birds, it is used for people's nourishing and health care. Black chicken is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid) and (eicosapentaenoic acid), which can prevent blood clotting, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Black chicken body contains a lot of iron, blood tonic effect is very good. Black chicken contains A lot of melanin vitamin A, vitamin E, and trace element selenium. It can eliminate free radicals and inhibit the formation of lipid peroxides. Anti-aging and inhibiting the growth of swollen cancer cells. It contains considerable vitamin E, which has a significant therapeutic effect on abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea and hypogonadism. Black chicken meat contains a large number of amino acids, including leucine can accelerate the metabolism of cells, promote wound healing. (Compendium of Materia Medica) there is said: Black chicken can supplement the weak, cure thirst, evil, benefit puerpera. Cure the woman collapse with all diseases of deficiency and loss. Adults and children have no diarrhea. Nutritional taboo: Black chicken even bone (chop suey) soup nourishing effect is the best. It's best to use a casserole to simmer. People suffering from chronic skin diseases should eat less or diet. Black chicken should not be eaten when suffering from severe exogenous diseases. The traditional medicine thinks: the black chicken nature is flat, the taste is sweet, enters the liver, the kidney meridian, has raises the Yin to reduce the heat the effect. The function is to steam the bone with deficiency, win thin, dissipate thirst, the spleen is deficient to slip and discharge, the following dysentery mouth shike, jump in take down disease.
雞寶"之所以被傳天價,在于它的藥用價值極高,雞寶里面有含量很高,其價值也是越來越高。中國傳統中醫藥材在醫書上有記載,是非常稀缺的中藥之一。所以此雞寶極具藥用價值及研究價值。The rooster rooster rooster is a thousand years of rare, black rooster rooster in the treasure is a kind of black black hard, there is a layer of film and some with blood. Integrity of the oval, light, the appearance of black red to black, delicate and shiny.
The reason why "chicken treasure" is rumored to be sky-high price lies in its extremely high medicinal value. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is one of the rare TCM materials recorded in medical books. So this chicken treasure has medicinal value and research value extremely.