藏品規格:高:27cm 底徑:9cm
藏品介紹: 琺瑯彩所需圖式由造辦處如意館擬稿,經皇帝欽定,琺瑯彩是一種古代工藝,色彩鮮艷,富有收藏性。盛于雍正、乾隆年間,屬宮廷壟斷的工藝珍品,乾隆期間的琺瑯彩水平工藝首屈一指。琺瑯彩瓷的特點是瓷質細潤,彩料凝重,色澤鮮艷靚麗,畫工精致,制作琺瑯彩瓷非常費工,工藝復雜,成品率低,每一件都是彌足珍貴。
Collection introduction: The required scheme of enamel color was drafted by the Ruyi Museum of the Imperial Court. Enamel color is an ancient craft with bright colors and collectibles. Emperor Yongzheng, Qianlong years, is the palace monopoly of the treasures of the craft, the qianlong period of enamel color level of craft second to none. Enamel color porcelain is characterized by fine porcelain, color material dignified, bright and beautiful color, exquisite painting, making enamel color porcelain is very laborious, complex process, low yield, every piece is precious.
此瓶通體繪琺瑯彩紋飾,另有粉彩和鼓釘紋飾,栩栩如生,格調奢華,愈顯金碧輝煌,華貴典雅。底款為“大清乾隆年制” 方形印章。
This bottle is decorated with enamel pattern, pastel color and drum nail pattern, which is lifelike and luxurious. The more resplendent, the more luxurious and elegant. The bottom is the square seal of "Qianlong system in Qing Dynasty".The glaze is closely combined, the glaze layer is even, rich in texture, the painting decoration, with exquisite pen, pen in place, colorful but not common, is a very exquisite porcelain works, very precious, with high collection value and appreciation value and historical heritage value.