In 1929, the world silver price fell sharply, which affected the customs revenue. Although the continuous decline of silver price is conducive to the development of China's foreign trade, it increases the burden on the repayment of foreign debts. In January 1930, the government decided to collect gold coins, which were calculated based on the unit of 0.601866 grams of pure gold, known as "Customs Gold Unit", equivalent to US $0.40; in 1930, the central bank entrusted the US banknote company to print the customs money exchange voucher; in May 1931, the central bank officially issued the customs money voucher as the purpose of paying customs duties.
The initial purpose of the issuance of the customs bond is to provide convenience for the importer to pay taxes, and it is not in circulation on the market. Because of its direct affiliation with foreign currencies and relatively stable currency value, the proportion of direct tax payment of Customs money is increasing year by year. In 1930, it accounted for only 12.18%, increased to 63.02% in 1931, 75.27% in 1932 and 87.82% in 1933. Over the next ten years, the gold content of the securities has been strong, rising from 0.601866g/yuan to 0.8888671g/yuan. Although its circulation range is very limited, its storage function is more prominent. The vouchers have been issued by American banknote company, denaro company, American business security company, British Huade road company, Daye printing company, Shanghai factory of Dadong book company and Zhonghua Book Company, which should be independent.
此關金券中央是孫中山頭像,頭像上方寫著“中央銀行”,頭像下方有寫著幣值:關金伍佰圓,左右兩邊皆有小印章,背面上側上海海關大樓,上邊印的是英文“THE CENTRALBANK OF CHINA”,大樓下是阿拉伯數字的幣值。因關金券流通短短17年,因當時出現嚴重財政危機,惡性通貨膨脹迫使關金券進入流通領域,但最終未能沒有穩定金融,隨后在關金券歷史長河中大量消失。關金券深刻反應了從民國十九年到民國三十六年當時的政治、經濟、歷史情況。還有由于歷史原因,“文革”期間有大量的民國鈔幣被視為“四舊”而遭到查抄和焚毀,民國紙幣長期被大家所忽略。此關金券能歷經歲月的洗禮完整保存至今,實屬不易,且品相尚佳。近年來,隨著錢幣收藏市場行情高起,民國紙幣也逐漸回到大眾視野,市場表現頗為亮眼,也曾出現過一票難求局面,其升值潛力巨大且具有極佳的收藏價值!
In the center of the voucher is Sun Yat-sen's head, with "central bank" written above the head, and currency value written below the head: five hundred yuan, small seals on the left and right sides, Shanghai customs building on the back, the English "the Central Bank of China" printed on the top, and Arabic currency value under the building. Due to the short period of 17 years of the circulation of the vouchers, due to the serious financial crisis at that time, hyperinflation forced the vouchers into the circulation field, but ultimately failed to stabilize the finance, and then disappeared in the long history of the vouchers. The coupons profoundly reflected the political, economic and historical situation from the 19th to the 36th years of the Republic of China. Due to historical reasons, during the "Cultural Revolution", a large number of notes of the Republic of China were regarded as "four old" and were seized and burned, which were ignored for a long time. It's not easy to keep this coupon after years of baptism. In recent years, with the rise of money collection market, the paper money of the Republic of China gradually returned to the public's field of vision. The market performance was quite brilliant, and there was a difficult situation for one vote, with great appreciation potential and excellent collection value!