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光緒元寶是清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。由湖北兩廣總督張之洞率先引進英國鑄幣機器鑄造銀元和銅元 ,之后各省紛紛仿效。共有十九個省局鑄造,除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆在其正面上緣鐫寫省名。清末銅價劇漲,民間毀錢為銅,以獲數倍之利,市面出現錢荒。光緒26年6月, 兩廣總督德壽與前總督李鴻章奏準廣東仿香港銅仙鑄造機制銅元。故清代機制銅元的鑄造由廣東伊始。繼而福建、江蘇、四川等省相繼仿鑄銅元。

Guangxu Yuanbao is one of the currencies circulating during the Qing Dynasty Guangxu. By Hubei Liangguang Governor Zhang Zhidong pioneered the introduction of British mint machine casting silver dollar and copper, after the provinces have followed suit. A total of 19 provincial bureaux casting, in addition to the central Hubu, the local province cast copper, all on its front edge engraved write the province name. Copper prices rose in the late Qing Dynasty, the private destruction of money for copper, to get several times the benefit of the market there is a shortage of money. Guangxu June 26, Liangguang governor Deokshou and former governor Li Hongzhang played the quasi-Guangdong imitation of Hong Kong bronze fairy casting mechanism copper. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper casting from the beginning of Guangdong. Then Fujian, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other provinces have been imitation casting copper.



[Name of Collection]: The gold ingot made in Jiangsu Province should be made into 10 wrong coins per yuan.

【規格】:重量7g 直徑28.54mm 厚度1.82mm

"Specification": weight 7g, diameter 28.54mm, thickness 1.82mm

在光緒元寶的制造及鑒賞過程中,文化意蘊與藝術價值都在鑄幣上得到了充分的體現,無論是錢幣的形制,還是幣面上的紋飾圖像、文字內容都有深刻內涵。 光緒光寶 的制造動機并不僅僅是裝飾和藝術欣賞,它以其獨特的實體形態與社會思想和審美觀念相融合,除具備其實體的貨幣功能之外又承擔著作為歷史文化載體的職責,意義重大。

In the Guang Xu silver piece manufacture and the connoisseurship process, the cultural implication and the artistic value all obtained full manifesting on the coined money, regardless of is the money construction, on the coin surface decorative design in a utensil image, the writing content all has the profound connotation. The Guang Xu light valuable manufacture motive not merely is the decoration and the artistic appreciation, it fuses by its unique entity shape and the social thought and the esthetic idea, except has outside its entity currency function to undertake is taking the historical culture carrier the responsibility, watershed.


Coins by the impact of imperialist industrial civilization, many coinage machines are ordered from the famous London Birmingham Mint Co., Ltd., the intervention of the Great British industry, so that copper also contaminated with the western color. Coins can be seen on the front is the fusion of Manchu culture, but the back is marked by the intervention of Western civilization, with distinct and strong historical significance, the real reaction of guangxu years distinct cultural characteristics, Manchu culture and the integration of Chinese and Western culture in a small coin, collection value is good.



Guangxu Yuanbao made in Jiangsu Province is a major category of coin collection and has always received the attention of many collectors. Different editions of Guangxu Yuanbao have unique flavor and are worthy of deep appreciation by collectors. Take Guangxu Yuanbao made in Jiangsu Province as an example. In the online auction of coins, Guangxu Yuanbao made in jiangnan province and Beiyang are very popular and become the focus of many buyers. The price of Guangxu silver ingot made in Jiangsu Province has gradually increased in recent years due to its small amount of storage. It is more and more popular with collectors, especially this coin is a rare mechanical misprint coin!



The front face of the original copper circle made in Jiangsu province is: the upper edge is "made in Jiangsu province", the two sides are cast in Manchu, the lower edge is "ten coins per yuan", the middle is the direct reading "Guangxu silver ingot", the center is in Manchu, and the translation into Chinese is "baosu". There are bead rings, which consist of 99 dots.


背面上緣“KIANG-SOO”,下緣“TEN CASH”,兩側各有一個實心五瓣花,中間一條長七尾飛龍,即從上往下數第三根尾毛和右邊的云朵相連,第四根龍尾毛比第三根更長。珠圈由109個小點組成,外齒邊在一公分的弦相對的弧邊上有16條齒線。此枚錢幣最特別之處在于——背面的龍紋圖案由于機壓錯誤,整體順時針旋轉了45°,十分罕見珍貴!

The upper edge of the back "KIANG-SOO" and the lower edge "TEN CASH" have a solid five-petal flower on each side and a long seven-tailed dragon in the middle, i.e. the third tail hair from top to bottom is connected with the clouds on the right, and the fourth tail hair is longer than the third. The bead ring consists of 109 small points, and the outer tooth edge has 16 tooth lines on the arc edge opposite to the chord of one centimeter. The most special thing about this coin is that the dragon pattern on the back of the coin has been rotated clockwise by 45 due to a mechanical error. It is very rare and precious!



此件藏品現在展賣于古玩行商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 681 6118進行洽談。

The collection is now on display on the platform of the antique shop. According to the treasure holder, the ancient coin was handed down from the ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers and is a peerless masterpiece. After learning that it has this rare treasure, our company specially invited it to take part in this ancient coin. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in cash flow. I am willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to search for a buyer through internet media. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the business contact number: 400 681 6118 for negotiation.


標簽:光緒 制錢 江蘇省 元寶 古玩



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