【規格】口徑:7cm 底徑:9.5cm 高:21cm
[Specification] caliber: 7cm, bottom diameter: 9.5cm, height: 21cm
[category]: porcelain
[quantity]: one piece
Xuande of Ming Dynasty has only existed for 10 years, but it has produced very fine porcelain official kilns. The most famous of them is Xuande bicolor Bemba pot. The bicolor was founded in Xuande of Ming Dynasty. It is a method of drawing lines with blue and white under glaze and then filling colors with color on glaze.
During the period from doucai technology to Chenghua, the doucai porcelain is exquisite. Because of the use of domestic equal green material, it has the characteristics of stable color and elegant color. In addition, the gorgeous glaze color makes it form an artistic style with distinct primary and secondary, and mutually reinforcing. It is named for the fact that the underglaze blue and white color and the overglaze color appear at the same time as if they are competing for splendor. It is a porcelain decoration technique that takes underglaze blue and white as a kind of color blue and combines with various colors on glaze. The blue part in the picture of doucai porcelain is first described with underglaze blue and white, and then painted with overglaze color after firing, and finally baked in the oven. "Dou" Jingdezhen dialect means: several things are combined together. Fighting color is the skill of combining several colors. Doucai is a kind of colored porcelain with color on and under glaze.
Bucket color originally pioneered in xuande period. And in the Ming dynasty the color of the most famous is the chenghua fights the color. While the qing dynasty, jingdezhen imperial plant shape dependent phase contrast of color, and complementary to each other at the same time. Modern bucket color still in jingdezhen, for first, and internal treasure porcelain in jingdezhen Lin is in the process and color not only keep the traditional, and have their own innovation. However, due to long time, the Ming dynasty xuande emperor of bucket color porcelain for the rare, so the value also more expensive.
賁巴壺原為藏族民族活動時所用器物,只有金屬質地的。清代乾隆皇帝命令官窯仿照藏族賁巴壺,大量燒制瓷器藝術品,繼而演變出琺瑯、玻璃、金銀乃至玉石的賁巴壺來,該民族藝術品遂在乾隆、嘉慶、道光年間大放異彩。這件大明宣德斗彩賁巴壺口徑:7cm 底徑:9.5cm 高:21cm整個瓷器胎土輕薄潔白,胎質緊密規整。通體施白釉,釉質光潤亮潔。簡潔美觀。造型生動,筆法獨特。兩條龍在張牙舞爪,給人極強的動感。龍身卷曲似弓形,威武兇猛,展現出一種蓬勃向上之感。就像當時的明王朝,國力強盛、四方來朝。外底中央雙圈內以青花書“大明宣德年制”書體嚴謹。整體畫面。復雜多彩、色調喧嘩,成為此時期讓人驚艷的特色,有極大的收藏價值。
Ben Ba pot was originally used in Tibetan activities, only with metal texture. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong ordered the official kilns to make a large number of porcelain works in imitation of the Bamba pots of Tibet, and then evolved the Bamba pots of enamel, glass, gold, silver and even jade. The national works of art flourished in the years of Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. This Daming Xuande bicolor Beiba pot has a diameter of 7cm, a diameter of 9.5cm, a height of 21cm. The whole porcelain clay is light, thin and white, with a compact and regular texture. White glaze is applied to the whole body, and the glaze is smooth and bright. Simple and beautiful. The style is vivid and unique. Inside the double circle at the center of the outer bottom is the blue and white book with a rigorous style. Overall picture. Complex and colorful, the tone is noisy, become this period of amazing characteristics, has great collection value.
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