現今,民國時期的錢幣在收藏市場上在大放異彩。隨著全民收藏時代的到來,收藏者、投資者群體的知識更豐富、視野更開闊,對錢幣收藏也有著更深刻的了解,錢幣市場一片火爆。 “中華民國”也隨著行情逐年走高,市場前景異?;鸨?。
Nowadays, coins of the Republic of China period are in great splendor in the collection market. With the arrival of the era of national collection, collectors and investors have more knowledge, broader vision and deeper understanding of coin collection. The coin market is booming. The "Republic of China" is also rising year by year with the market situation, and the market prospect is extremely hot.
After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was established. When the Republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not yet been established, most of the major coin factories still used the former Qing steel molds to cast coins for circulation. At that time, Sichuan changed to Sichuan copper coins with a currency value of 200 and 500 yuan. Subsequently, in the "Interim Presidential Decree" issued, it was proposed to "publish new models and drum up commemorative coins". After the national government unified the coin models, the original coins ceased to be cast and issued. As a result, the Sichuan Mint had less 200 coins cast, and the circulation time was short and extremely precious.
此幣正面圓環內鑄有“貳百文”字樣,圈內下方為麥穗環繞,圈外上面鑄寫“中華民國二年”六字,下方鑄寫“四川造幣廠造”六字,左右兩側各飾一朵四角星花紋;錢幣背面中間有雙旗交叉而立,旗桿系有彎曲的瓔珞,雙旗筆直挺立,位于珠圈內,圈外上方為英文字體 “中華民國二年”,下方為“200文”英文字樣。
The front circle of this coin has the words "200 Chinese characters" cast inside, the lower part of the circle is surrounded by ears of wheat, the upper part of the circle has the words "the second year of the Republic of China" cast outside, the lower part has the words "made by Sichuan mint", and the left and right sides are decorated with a four-cornered star pattern. In the middle of the back of the coin, there are two flags crossing and standing. The flagpole has a curved wreath. The two flags stand upright in the bead circle. Outside the circle, the English characters "Republic of China Year 2" and "200 Chinese" are above and below.
This kind of coin has the difference of straight tassel and curved tassel according to the flag pattern on the back. This copper coin belongs to curved tassel double flag. Coins are naturally covered with paste, which has witnessed its historical accumulation and has high cultural relics collection value, historical and cultural value and art appraisal value.
Double flag coins were produced in the Republic of China, which only existed for several decades in the history of China. Therefore, it is not easy for coins to remain intact after endless years of war and chaos. The collection is very old. The mottled rust on the edge of the coin has witnessed the historical progress and has certain historical significance. Although it has been washed for a long time, the coin is well preserved, beautiful in shape and of great collection value.
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