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In recent years, Buddhist works of art have been favored by people. The growth of the Buddhist collection team and the rising prices have made the entire Buddhist collection a hot spot in the art market.


The religious mystery, historicity and nationality contained in Buddhist art works cater to the increasing aesthetic taste of collectors and investors. In addition, Buddhist art works convey auspiciousness and the beauty of Buddhist culture through the beauty of statue art. The blessing culture connects the deep desires and needs of the audience. All kinds of audience groups can find relatively suitable collections from numerous Buddhist art works, thus stimulating their investment desire.

藏傳佛教是藏語系佛教,也叫喇嘛教,是佛教傳入中國西藏的分支。藏傳佛教所制作的佛像與我們漢傳的佛像在外型上有明顯的區別的,但是目的都是教人行善。 當今收藏界, 佛像收藏 不僅是一種信仰,也是一種增值投資。隨著各類明清 金銅佛造像 在國際拍賣市場上大放異彩,佛像越來越受到收藏家的追捧,尤其是保存完整的金銅藏式佛造像,因其工藝精湛、造型傳神,在拍賣市場上屢創高價。

Tibetan Buddhism is Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Lamaism, a branch of Buddhism introduced into Tibet, China. There are obvious differences in appearance between the Buddha statues made by Tibetan Buddhism and those handed down by our Han people, but the purpose is to teach people to do good. In today's collection world, the collection of Buddha statues is not only a belief, but also a value-added investment. With all kinds of Ming and Qing gold and copper Buddha statues shining brilliantly in the international auction market, Buddha statues are more and more sought after by collectors, especially the well-preserved gold and copper Tibetan Buddha statues, because of their exquisite workmanship and vivid shapes, they have repeatedly set high prices in the auction market.

此件藏傳明代“釋迦牟尼出道像” 高:50公分,重14公斤,寬43公分,這樣子的鑲寶規格,應該是明代宮廷佛像,從做工及封低方式是蒙古風格佛像,該像身上鑲嵌寶,內膛保留原始狀態,尺寸高大,胎體厚重、造型端莊大氣、面部刻畫細膩飽滿、皮殼厚重,包老到代。密教出現以前,佛像僅著通肩或袒右袈裟,一般不佩戴任何飾物,這一造像裝飾特點在斯瓦特、犍陀羅地區發現的佛教藝術初創時期的造像中可以得到印證。

This Tibetan image of Sakyamuni in Ming Dynasty Height: 50cm, weight: 14kg, width: 43cm. This kind of inlaid treasure should be the palace Buddha of Ming Dynasty. The way of workmanship and low sealing is the Mongolian style Buddha. The inlaid treasure on the statue keeps its original state. The size is large, the carcass is thick, the modeling is dignified and atmospheric, the surface is delicate and full, the skin is thick, and the age is old. Before the emergence of Esoteric Buddhism, the statues only wore the right cassock or through the shoulder, and generally did not wear any ornaments. This decorative feature can be confirmed in the statues found in the areas of Swat and Gandhara during the initial stage of Buddhist art.



The whole body is gilded and elegant. Wearing a topless right-hand cassock, the edge of the cassock is engraved with patterns. With his right hand touching the ground, his left hand holding a bowl, and his bare feet knotting and sitting cross-legged, it is amazing how exquisite it is.




In recent years, the gold-plated bronze Buddha statues of Ming and Qing dynasties have made great achievements in the international auction market and have been highly sought after by various collectors, especially the gold-plated Tibetan Buddha statues used by Yongle and Xuande dynasties in Ming dynasty to reward the upper-class monks in Tibet, which have repeatedly set high prices in the auction market due to their exquisite workmanship and vivid shapes. For example, in 2004, a gold-plated Buddha statue of Ming King Dawei of the 15th century was sold at Christie's in Hong Kong for 19.612 million Hong Kong dollars, becoming the highest gold-plated Buddha statue at that time. When shooting in the autumn of 2006, Sotheby's Hong Kong launched the "Buddha's Glory-An Important Bronze Buddha Collection in Early Ming Dynasty", with a total turnover of over HK$ 300 million. A gold-plated statue of Sakyamuni, made in the year of Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, was won by a collector surnamed Cai in the mainland for HK$ 116 million, setting a new record in the history of bronze Buddha transactions.





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標簽:鎏金 佛像 古玩 藏傳 精品



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