藏品參數: |
藏品名稱: Collection name: |
孫大頭民國十八年伍元Sun Datou, 18 years of the Republic of China, Wu Yuan
藏品年代: Collection date: |
民國 Republic of China |
藏品類型: Collection Type: |
錢幣 Coin |
藏品詳情: Collection info: |
重量: 36.3g Weight: 36.3g |
近日深圳永樂有幸征集到一枚中華民國十八年孫中山三帆銀幣, 錢幣正面鐫大總統孫中山肖像,五官刻畫精致,人物精神飽滿,紋飾線條流暢,頭發、胡須、衣紋等細節刻畫精細,工藝極為精湛;頂部鑄“中華民國十八年”字樣,錢文清晰,字體端莊,文字清秀。錢幣背面鐫三桅帆船在海中乘風破浪前進圖案,海浪波濤洶涌,栩栩如生;左右分列 “伍元”幣值。
Mr. Sun Zhongshan is a great national hero and a great pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution. The Revolution of 1911 initiated and led by him completely overthrew the feudal rule that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China. In order to let the world remember the great achievements of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, during the period of the Republic of China, silver coins with various formats of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's head were cast and issued. Sun Xiang coin greatly facilitated people's lives during the Republic of China period and had an excellent circulation market. There are many varieties, and each version of the Sun like coin has its own charm and historical value, which is worthy of careful love for coin lovers.
Rare treasures in Chinese silver coins: Wu Yuan silver coin, the eighteenth anniversary of the Republic of China
Sun Yat-sen's head Sanfan coin refers to the creation of a new national currency after the founding of the Nanjing National Government. The main feature of the sample coin is the face of Sun Yat-sen on the front of the coin. The ring is listed for 18 years in the Republic of China. On the back there are three sailing boats with rolling waves.
Rare treasures in Chinese silver coins: Wu Yuan silver coin, the eighteenth anniversary of the Republic of China
Recently, Shenzhen Yongle was fortunate to collect an 18-year-old Sun Yat-sen Sanfan silver coin from the Republic of China. The coin has a portrait of President Sun Yat-sen on the front of the coin. The facial features are exquisitely portrayed, the character is full of spirit, the lines of the decoration are smooth, and the details of the hair, beard and clothing are finely portrayed Extremely superb; the words "Eighteen Years of the Republic of China" are cast on the top, the money is clear, the font is dignified, and the text is beautiful. The three-masted sailing boat on the back of the coin moves forward in the sea by the wind and waves. The waves are rough and lifelike; the value of "Wu Yuan" is divided into left and right.
Rare treasures in Chinese silver coins: Wu Yuan silver coin, the eighteenth anniversary of the Republic of China
The version of this coin is novel in design, regular in casting, excellent in brightness, precious in material, excellent in casting, and extremely rare in the world. It can be named as "Fengtian one or two" in Chinese silver coins. After a hundred years of appearance, the appearance is still intact and as new as possible, and the clarity of money and outlines is good. It has a high historical value, artistic value and collection value.
Rare treasures in Chinese silver coins: Wu Yuan silver coin, the eighteenth anniversary of the Republic of China
The Sun Yat-sen Sanfan Silver Coin in the eighteenth year of the Republic of China is one of the ten most famous commodities in China's modern mechanism coins and a rare treasure in Chinese silver coins. It is famous because of its historical and rarity. This version of coin has elegant design, exquisite craftsmanship, exquisite decoration and reasonable layout, but there were not many castings at that time, and the endless months have been circulating to this day. It is extremely rare and can be preserved intact. The value of investment is very good.