清朝早期,以孫中山先生指導的北方反動黨成立了“民國政府”,針對事先的形勢,中華民國沿用清代的造幣設備和造幣技術,鑄造了“中華民國當十銅元”。1911年辛亥革命勝利后,清帝退位,中華民國成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統,并在頒布的“臨時大總統令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”,隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 “中華民國開國紀念幣”銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。這就是“中華民國開國紀念幣” 銅元的由來。
In the early Qing Dynasty, the northern reactionary party under the guidance of Dr. Sun Yat-sen established the "government of the Republic of China". In view of the prior situation, the Republic of China used the coinage equipment and technology of the Qing Dynasty to cast the "ten copper coins for the Republic of China". After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, the Qing emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, took office as the interim president of the Republic of China, and proposed in the "interim president's order" that "a new model should be published and commemorative coins should be drummed". Subsequently, two mints, Wuchang and Nanjing, took the lead in casting the "commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China" copper coins, mainly with a face value of ten Wen, which were issued in large quantities throughout the country to replace the copper yuan of the Qing Dynasty. This is the origin of the "commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China".
【藏品名稱】:中華民國當十銅元 中華民國開國紀念幣十文
[collection name]: Ten coins for the founding of the Republic of China
【規格】:重7克 直徑 28mm
[Specification]: weight 7g, diameter 28mm
此枚中華民國當十銅元,正面珠圈內鐫穿插五色旗與鐵血十八星旗,珠圈外上環書 “中華民國”四字。下環計值爲記值:當十銅元。反面圖案爲稻穗組成的嘉禾紋,由于這種紀念幣發行數量很少,所以它的傳世量極少,具有很高的珍藏和投資價值,下面的綠銹也見證了其歷史年代的堆積,不好看出它分明的歷史過渡性特征,該銅幣雖然歷經滄桑,但紋路仍然隱約可見,有著難以言表的珍藏投資價值。
This piece of the Republic of China is worth ten copper yuan. On the front, the Pearl circle is engraved with five color flags and iron blood 18 star flags. On the outside of the Pearl circle, the four characters "Republic of China" are written. The lower ring count is the record value: Ten copper yuan. The reverse pattern is Jiahe pattern composed of rice spikes. Due to the small number of issues, this commemorative coin has a very small number of heirloom and high value of collection and investment. The following green rust also witnessed the accumulation of its historical years. It's hard to see its distinct historical transitional characteristics. Although the copper coin has gone through many vicissitudes, the pattern is still faintly visible, with unspeakable collection and investment Value.
銅幣是錢幣收藏的很大一類,不同版別的銅幣都有其獨特的韻味,值得投資者們細細品味。在古幣的市場交易中,民國雙旗銅幣更是備受青睞,成為很多收藏大家們追逐的焦點。 “民國雙旗幣”產生于民國時期,民國在中國歷史上僅僅存在了幾十年的時間,因此,在兵荒馬亂、國內戰爭頻發的期間內,錢幣在經歷了無窮的歲月之后,依然可以完整地保留下來,實屬不易,具有很高的文物收藏價值、歷史文化價值以及藝術品鑒價值。雖說民國時期的錢幣版本較多,但能夠收藏到“民國雙旗幣”,在當今的藏品市場中是并不多見的!
Copper coins are a large category of coin collection. Copper coins of different editions have their own unique charm, which is worth the careful taste of investors. In the market transaction of ancient coins, the Double Flag copper coins of the Republic of China are more popular and become the focus of many collectors. The Double Flag coin of the Republic of China came into being in the period of the Republic of China. The Republic of China only existed for several decades in the history of China. Therefore, during the period of war and frequent civil wars, the coin can still be completely preserved after endless years, which is not easy. It has a high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value and art appreciation. Although there are many versions of coins in the period of the Republic of China, it is rare to collect "Double Flag coins of the Republic of China" in today's collection market!
The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is a high-quality coin in modern China. It has historical edification, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, and has profound historical significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object for Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. There is no doubt that the ten articles commemorating the founding of the Republic of China are very popular in the current collection field. On the other hand, the coins of the founding commemorative coins all have five color flags and two flags on the left and 18 stars on the right. The characters on the back are both official script and regular script, most of which are official script. After years of relentless baptism, it is still well preserved, exquisitely cast, and its primary color is covered with paste. The money and outline can still be identified, which has high historical value, artistic value and collection value. After a hundred years of wind and rain, this kind of copper coin is very rare, so it is very popular with collectors and has great potential for appreciation in the future.
Looking at the collection market in recent years, there are many kinds of rare stones to display. However, for those coins of Ming and Qing dynasties or those of the Republic of China, which are few in stock and have sprung up in the market, they are more likely to attract the attention and favor of the big collectors. At the same time, with the more frequent transactions of ancient coins in various places, and because of the value it brings to the public collectors, coins occupy a higher and higher position in the market. According to the trading data in the past few years, the trading of coins is still hot, showing its deep collection.
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