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中源世紀國際拍賣公司精品推薦: 大天地天珠

zhongyuan century international auction company boutique recommendation: Big heaven and earth beads

中源世紀(北京)國際拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家注冊鑒定專家甄選的珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。



【類別】 雜項

zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. [zang. jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend the national registration of experts selection of treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let art value was discovered and attention, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.

[name] Big heaven and earth beads

[pecification] 5.73*5.82cm

[category] miscellaneous

此對藏品分別高5.73厘米、5.82厘米。珠體肥潤細膩,咬色清晰自然,品相完美。滿滿的風化紋見證了它的經年的傳承,頂級材質不透光, “天是主,地是次,天為陽,地為陰。取天圓地方。日月同輝,天人合一之意。圓形圖案代表“天門”,方形圖案代“地門”,圓者天也,如來的智慧德相。地者方也,眾生之根基。兩者相互感應,生成了天地萬物,其中人又正好是天地的精華物質所構成,因此被視為天地萬物之靈,能夠感通萬物,最靈者也”這是一顆非常少見的天地圖騰天珠,此顆天珠,有著使所有的業力轉換成愿力的功德利益,是一切心愿實現的開始,對事業、人際、外交有很好的幫助。是非常難得一見的精品,具有極大的收藏價值和藝術價值。

The pair are 5.73 cm and 5.82 cm high, respectively. Pearl body fat run delicate, clear natural bite color, perfect appearance. Full of weathering grain witness its years of inheritance, the top material is not transparent, "the day is the Lord, the earth is second, the day is Yang, the earth is Yin. Take the sky and the earth. The sun and the moon together, the unity of man and nature. The circular pattern represents the "heaven gate", the square pattern represents the "earth gate", and the circle represents the heaven, the wisdom and virtue of the tathagata. The earth is the foundation of all living beings. Both mutual induction, created the universe, including man it is the essence of heaven and earth material, thus is regarded as the soul of the universe of heaven and earth, able to sense things, the spirit is "this is a very rare bead, heaven and earth totem day this day bead, has made all the karma into may force the merits of interests, is the beginning of all wish to achieve, for career, interpersonal and diplomatic have very good help. It is very rare to see fine works, with great collection value and artistic value.




Historical value

《吠陀經》記載:遠古時因受地理環境及天然災害的影響,求神助佑之心自然產生,“天地天珠”因而被創造出來。同時,滲進了各種藥物治病,并用巫術咒語的圖騰意念一一5符畫于石材上,借以獲得諸佛眾神 的加持與護佑。

天地天珠用于敬奉佛菩薩之事跡具代表性的記載為唐太宗貞觀十五年(公元六四一年)文成公主下嫁吐蕃贊普棄宗弄贊時,帶了一尊從印度請來的佛像作為陪嫁,最后這尊佛像座落西藏拉薩大昭寺的釋迦殿內后,而這尊佛像即被西藏人民鑲上了百余顆各式各樣的天珠,目前這尊佛像安奉于拉薩(Lhasa) 大昭寺的釋迦殿內。


The origin of tianzhu can be traced back to between 3000 BC and 1500 BC, the ancient Indian country of alians. At that time, people sought the protection of the divine Buddha, and heaven and earth beads were created. At that time, people used the ancient literature "vedas" > records of the spell, totem and other symbols of the design model (that is, now the various patterns on the beads), painted on the stone, in order to achieve the promotion of spiritual (soul) consciousness benefits. According to the vedas, in ancient times, due to the geographical environment and natural disasters, the desire to seek god's help naturally arose and the "heaven and earth beads" were created. At the same time, a variety of drugs have been infiltrated into the stone, and the totem idea of magic spells has been painted on the stone, so as to obtain the blessing and protection of the buddhas and gods.




Heaven and earth day bead is used to worship Buddha bodhisattva's deeds representative to the emperor taizong dynasty fifteen years (AD 641) princess wencheng married tubo praise abandon the cases get praise, with a statue of Buddha from India as him, finally this statue of Buddha is located in Tibet after the buddhist head inside jokhang temple in Lhasa, the statue of Buddha is the Tibetan people with hundreds of all kinds of day bead, at present, this statue of Buddha in buddhist head inside (Lhasa) jokhang temple in Lhasa.




According to historical records, the grassland channel between yuyuan and tubo was an important way of communication between Tibet and the northern grassland culture. This ancient road was opened at least in the 5th century BC. With a long history, beautiful and mysterious legends, and the Tibetan people's piety in collecting and offering them from generation to generation, heaven and earth beads have become precious treasures in people's hearts.



Cultural valu





The creation of the universe in the primitive tradition of Buddhism is composed of three elements, heaven and earth, in turn with the pattern of circle and square. Form two sides of one body:


“○”round, the universe phenomenon circle cycle of the theory, for the source of cosmic power. Open for white, the symbol of the day also day round also, the tathagata wisdom and virtue, like the symbol of heaven (diamond).


"□" square, all the natural material produced by the force (magnetic field), has the effect of cohesion and enhancement. The symbol of the earth, the earth is also the foundation of all living beings, like the mother of the earth (womb) symbol. "Fangyuan" is the universe (up and down the four sides of the circle), or the temple city of tantric Buddhism.


Today science is flourishing, the whole world of the origin of the phenomenon, physical phenomena, chemical phenomena and biological phenomena, etc., seems to be closely related to the buddhist thought. In fact, all buddhas and bodhisattvas, heaven and earth ghosts and spirits, red jewelry and natural science! They are a community of life in the universe. Buddha is sentient beings, sentient beings are buddhas. The most important lies in the heart of self, which also contains the original meaning of life in the universe. That is to say, build a circle of Buddha altar, and totem ideas in the way, to show the universe landscape and Buddha bodhisattva realm! Take as meaning (fruit). At the same time, along with the prayer of the person to be taught and through, that is "grant"! Namely "pull depend on" meaning.



The economic value

天地天珠并圖騰意念的方式,來表現宇宙的景觀和諸佛菩薩的境界!能供養到天地天珠,就如同供養壇城的功德, 可以快速凈化自己過去所有的惡業,能增加自己諸多福報,開智慧、延長壽命,一切愿望全部如愿以償。許多生意人喜歡配戴天地天珠,因為他們認為可以陰陽調和、百福千祥。轉換厄運、消除魔難。帶來財富。



Heaven and earth, heaven and earth beads and totem ideas, to show the landscape of the universe and the realm of all buddhas and bodhisattvas! To be able to support the heaven and the earth is just like to support the merit of the altar city. It can quickly purify all the bad karma in the past. It can increase its blessings, open its wisdom and prolong its life. Many businessmen like to wear heaven and earth beads because they think they can harmonize Yin and Yang and be lucky. Convert bad luck, eliminate the devil difficult. Bring wealth.


Various signs indicate the factor value of celestial beads. The heavenly beads have a strong magnetic field, and each of us also has a magnetic field inside the body, as well as the "qi" running inside the body, and the so-called "qi" is the vitality of people, the stronger the magnetic field and aura field, the more vigorous the vitality, the better the fortune. Tianzhu has incredible strong positive magnetic field energy, can increase the human body, promote circulation, qi field flow, get through the meridians, which is enough to make people full of spirit, full of vitality, natural for the prevention of hypertension. It is helpful for people who are busy with work but have no time to do sports.


The mysterious energy of heaven and earth beads has been passed down in Tibetan Buddhism and many legends for thousands of years. Tibetans believe that to own a pearl, they must have great luck and fate. Once they own it, they will be the beginning of infinite happiness and wisdom. Therefore, tibetans regard the heavenly beads as the mascot of the god of heaven and earth, which can bring good luck and avoid evil, stabilize blood pressure, enhance internal qi, absorb the sun, moon and stars as well as the spirit of heaven and earth, and bless those who hold the heavenly beads to obtain unexpected blessings, auspiciousness and completeness. Tianzhu is the most ideal amulet, but also for the Buddha's holy goods, worth collecting and feeding, eternal spread.

此藏品現交于公司中源世紀(北京)國際拍賣有限公司市場部專員運作推廣。歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎 到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。

The collection is now handed over to the company zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. Welcome to our company to appreciate and negotiate, the majority of collectors can through the major media and welcome to the company to understand the details, if you want to buy, go through the relevant procedures to come to the company to negotiate in advance.

一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則, 做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! The company since its inception, always adhering to the "open, fair, fair, honest, trustworthy" service principle, do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.


Special note: (the above collection treasure holder is: Tibet friend entrusts our company to sell in good faith, welcome the collector from all walks of life to consult or bid tel. 010-59000899,13601215514. , pictures are taken in kind, if in doubt, please make an appointment to see the kind) zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD





標簽:國際 拍賣公司 天珠 世紀 精品



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