In the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as thIn the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as the first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always comes after the rain. May the world be safe and the world be peaceful!e first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always comes after the rain. May the world be safe and the world be peaceful!
尚來斌,河南省欒川人。現為世界教科文衛組織副主席,并擔任世界教科文衛組織首席藝術家,中國書畫學會副主席,中國美術家協會會員,國家一級美術師,中國書法家協會會員,中國國際書畫藝術研究會會員,巴黎國際藝術中心特聘畫家,中國書畫家協會理事,中國國畫家協會會員,洛陽市美協會員,中國炎黃藝術協會會員,中國國家書畫院副院長,臺北故宮書畫院名譽院長客座教授,北京人民畫院院士,中國振鳴書畫院常務理事,鄭州中原書畫院客座教授,大華書畫院顧問,中國國際藝術網藝術顧問。曾被中國書畫家聯誼會、國際中華人才專家協會、中國書畫研究院、中國國學學會等單位授予“德藝雙馨”藝術家、 中國當代書畫名家、當代杰出書畫藝術家、 文化界國家形象大使、中國書畫領軍人物。
Shanglaibin, born in Luanchuan, Henan Province. He is now vice chairman of UNESCO, chief artist of UNESCO, vice chairman of Chinese painting and calligraphy society, member of China Artists Association, national first-class artist, member of China Calligraphers Association, member of China International Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association, special painter of Paris International Art Center, director of China Calligraphers Association, member of China Artists Association, Member of Luoyang Art Association,He is a member of China Yanhuang Art Association, vice president of China National Academy of painting and calligraphy, Honorary Professor of Taipei Palace Museum Academy of painting and calligraphy, academician of Beijing People's Academy of painting, executive director of China Zhenming Academy of painting and calligraphy, visiting professor of Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Academy of painting and calligraphy, Consultant of Dahua Academy of painting and calligraphy, art consultant of China International Art Network. He has been awarded the title of "double happiness of virtue and art" artist, Chinese contemporary calligrapher and painter, outstanding contemporary calligrapher and painting artist, national image ambassador of cultural circle and leading figure of Chinese calligrapher and painting by Chinese Calligrapher Association, International Association of Chinese talents and experts, Chinese Academy of calligrapher and painting, Chinese Academy of Sinology, etc.