【名稱】 坐洋幣私鑄幣
【規格】 重:23.4g 直徑:38.60mm厚2.61mm
【類別】 錢幣
此枚錢幣并非當時官鑄流通的貿易銀幣,而是為私鑄幣。銀幣正面的主圖為手執束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的兩側鑄法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法蘭西共和國)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和該幣發行的年份1906年。銀幣背面的主圖案為一花環,周圈為說明文字,花環上方鑄法文為:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法蘭西印度支那),銀幣花環中間的橫向文字為銀幣的面額:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的貿易銀)。銀幣花環下方文字為:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR。此乃當年私鑄幣,極具研究價值與收藏意義。
各種坐洋斷斷續續發行至1937年,因為戰爭的陰影而宣告結束。而中國在1933年實行廢兩改元后,船洋 法幣逐漸一統市場,外國銀圓在中國的好日子不復存在,恰好的是這個時候坐洋也銷聲匿跡了。二次大戰城結束后,法國短暫統治印度支那,再沒有再發行過銀質貨幣,坐洋的發行期為1903年至1923年。
Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD
Chongqing Jihua Auction Co. , Ltd. , approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, to ancient and Modern Chinese painting and calligraphy, porcelain miscellaneous, jade jade, jewelry and watches, famous tea and all kinds of assets of a comprehensive collection of companies. Striving to participate in all kinds of charity auctions throughout the country, the European Union, the royal collection of Curios and the world's elite collection, and holding a special fair, will be in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, Japan and other countries organized auction world tour.
[Name] Private coinage with foreign currency
[Specification]Weight: 23.4g diameter: 38.60mm thickness: 2.61mm
[Category] Coin
This coin was not a trade silver coin of the time, but a private coin. The main figure on the obverse of the silver coin is the seated statue of liberty with a bar in hand, and the French characters on both sides of the seated statue are: Republique Francaise. Below the goddess is the small French Barre and the year of issue 1906. The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a wreath. The circle is explanatory. The French wreath is cast on the wreath: FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (French Indochina), and the transverse character in the middle of the silver garland is the silver Denomination: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (Astor's trade silver). Below the garland of the silver coin is the text: TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR. This is the private coinage of that year, which is of great research value and collection significance.
All kinds of sitting in the ocean were issued intermittently until 1937, when the shadow of war ended. However, after the abolition of the two yuan reform in 1933, the foreign currency gradually unified the market. The good days of foreign silver dollars in China no longer exist. Just at this time, the foreign currency disappeared. After the end of the two World War, France ruled Indochina briefly, and no more silver money was issued. The circulation period was from 1903 to 1923.