The double dragon longevity coin made in Guangdong Province is famous for its large number of folk imitations. It is treasured by people in the field of coin collection for its rare existence. Moreover, it is favored by people because of its exquisite production. Among the modern silver coins in China, it has long enjoyed a great reputation, and has also been listed in the top ten treasures of modern Chinese mechanism coins.
[collection name]: Guangdong Province made Guangxu Yuanbao one or two gold coins
This Guangdong made Guangxu Yuanbao storehouse is one or two in average weight. The front is bounded by the Pearl circle, which can be divided into two parts: the outside of the Pearl circle on the front: the four character regular script "made in Guangdong Province" on the top, the five character regular script "one or two in average weight" on the bottom, and a bat pattern on the left and right sides. "Guangxu Yuanbao" with four characters of man and Han (regular script) was cast in the Pearl circle. Outside the bead circle on the back: through the cloud double dragon snatches the flame bead. Round "longevity" characters are cast in the bead circle. The bat patterns on both sides of the obverse of the gold coin correspond to the word "longevity" on the reverse, implying "happiness and longevity". Especially rare is that this coin is a gold coin, which is not in circulation, old-fashioned and beautiful. It's really rare and worth owning.
近幾年廣東省造光緒元寶雙龍“壽”字幣一度成為收藏界追捧的寵兒,媒體上炒得沸沸揚揚,動輒上百萬的天價。據了解,香餑餑的廣東省造光緒元寶雙龍“壽”字 幣收藏價值極高,但是廣東省造光緒元寶雙龍“壽”字幣存世量極為稀少。同樣金幣就更厲害了,最近拍賣會錢幣里面成交價位高的都是金幣,拍賣會現場動不動就破千萬了,臺灣中正11月30號成交價格最高的就是金幣,價格達到3300萬。此藏品集一切優點于一身,不管是廣東省雙龍壽字幣還是金幣都值錢,還是樣本,未流通,又達到極美品,值得擁有。
In recent years, the double dragon "Shou" coin made by Guangxu Yuanbao in Guangdong Province once became the favorite in the collection circle. It was so popular in the media that it was worth millions of yuan coins. It is understood that the "Shou" coin of Guangdong Province's made Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglong has a high collection value, but the amount of "Shou" coin of Guangdong Province's made Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglong is extremely rare. Gold coins are also more powerful. Recently, gold coins are the most expensive ones in the auction, and the price of gold coins is over ten million at the auction site. The highest one in the transaction price of Zhongzheng November 30 in Taiwan is gold coins, with the price reaching 33 million. This collection has all the advantages. It is worth both the double dragon birthday coin and the gold coin in Guangdong Province, as well as the samples. It is not in circulation, and it is worth possessing.
企業聯系電話:400 686 3616