藏品規(guī)格:高21.2cm 重1095g
推薦區(qū)域:新加坡 迪拜 日本 英國
此尊釋迦牟尼佛成道像高21.2cm,重1095g.釋迦佛呈盤坐之像,面相豐滿端正,寬額,臉型略呈方圓,五官位置勻停,高鼻薄唇、眼瞼低垂,表情靜穆柔和,略含笑意。頭飾螺發(fā),肉髻高隆, 頂嚴(yán)為寶珠。釋迦佛上身著袒左肩袈裟,飾連珠式瓔珞,衣紋流暢,袈裟多彩是為佛教中的寶袈裟,起伏深刻,質(zhì)感和立體感頗強(qiáng),轉(zhuǎn)折自如,瀟灑飄逸、生動(dòng)活潑。造像儀態(tài)安詳沉靜,造型生動(dòng)傳神,為典型明代宮廷作品。釋迦佛左手結(jié)禪定印,右手下垂結(jié)觸地印,表現(xiàn)釋迦佛身心安寧,無一切雜念,降服了破壞修法的惡魔,終于得道的形式,這些只有大地之神才能作證,這種造像稱為“降魔得道相”。
The statue of sakyamuni buddha is 21.2 high cm,1095 heavy g. sakyamuni buddha has a full face, a wide forehead, a slightly square face, the position of of features, high nose, thin lips, low eyelids, quiet and soft expression, slightly smiling. Headwear screw hair, bun high, top strict for the pearl. Sakyamuni buddha is decorated with beads-like cymbals, smooth and colorful for buddhist cymbals, deep ups and downs, texture and three-dimensional sense quite strong, turning freely, elegant, lively. The appearance of the statue is serene and quiet, and the shape is vivid and vivid, which is a typical Ming Dynasty court work. Sakyamuni Buddha's left hand knot The right hand sags and touches the earth's seal, showing the peace of the Buddha's body and mind, without all distractions, subdues the devil who destroys the Dharma, and finally obtains the form of the Tao, which only the God of the earth can testify.
The founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni (Buddha), was the Sakyamuni of the ancient Middle Indian state of Cavillo, who existed in the middle of the first millennium before the Western Yuan Dynasty. At this time, the prosperity of commodity trade prompted the rise of the Shatiri class, the traditional Brahmanism authority, which constituted an obstacle, was weakened, and the ideological circle was active in the Shamen thought, including Buddhism.
Sakyamuni's life did not attract the attention of the early three Tibetan editors, they only try to record the teacher's words in detail; more detailed narration and more legendary stories were later carefully fabricated. About the image of the Buddha, relatively reliable is a basic outline. He grew up in a rich environment, married and had children, about 29 years old when he became a monk; learned meditation and asceticism can not solve the problem; about 35 years old by the Buddha's consciousness. For the rest of his life, his footprints spread throughout the Ganges River Basin, to all levels of enlightenment. The sublation of his foreign ideas corrected some of the misdeeds of the civilization of the times and safeguarded the class of the Shadilly interests, so that he was honored as a Sakyamuni sage.
From the biography of the Buddha's soul, the Buddha's important deeds of conquering the maravijaya before the Buddha realizes the truth. At that time, the Buddha swore that he would remain meditative until he realized the truth. But he met the devil, a demon who tried to distract the Buddha and prevent him from demonstrating the reality of the world. The buddha is unmoved by all the temptations that attempt to destroy the buddha's pursuit of his ideals, whether they are disturbed by joy or disgust. According to the traditional records, the devil launched the final attack, trying to move the Buddha's merciful Bodhisattva mind. The ideal of the Buddha to pursue the spiritual awakening and to obtain the most from reincarnation After the solution, Morrow raised doubts. With the support of spiritual perseverance, Sakyamuni remembered that he had helped all sentient beings with boundless compassion during his many reincarnation of animals and humans. At this critical moment of consciousness, Sakyamuni understood and faced fate with confidence. As a response to Marlowe's question, Sakyamuni, who sat in his position, moved his right hand on his knee, touched the earth, and "asked the earth to testify ". This steadfastness of action temptation of Marlowe, the army and the woman to flee, leaving Sakyamuni alone in the Vajragon (vajrasana) under the Bodhi tree to experience great consciousness. This scene is a hair Born in eastern india, bodhi gaye, according to its strange power, accelerated the enlightenment of the buddha.
In the current art auction collection market, buddha image market unprecedented popularity, especially issakyamuni is the most popular market. End buddhist subject essential collection! Especially with the Ming Dynasty Buddha statue price highest appreciation space! This Sakyamuni statue is a rare collection in the Sakyamuni statue of Ming Dynasty. with extremely high collection value and market value!
The collection and film materials are now stored in "Sichuan Ming De Tang auction Co., Ltd."
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