英國古典樂評雜志《international piano》2020年3月號對鋼琴家李云迪先生最新專輯《肖邦鋼琴協奏曲全集》的樂評:
這是一個貴族式的肖邦,始終保持了清晰,優雅,自然的表現力。沒有過度地去彈奏表現,但一切都得以傳達。這是一個杰出且富有詩意的版本,是在Noel Mewton-Wood的版本以及Argerich的版本之外的另一個選擇。(Noel Mewton-Wood的版本被Edward Sackville-West譽為色彩層次表現豐富,讓原本常常僅限于表面的閃光獲得了高浮雕般的魅力。),Argerich在其EMI錄音中的版本中有著令人難以抗拒的夏日閃電般的效果。即使在這樣的競爭下,李云迪的版本也能位列最佳之一。他對于f小調鋼琴協奏曲中深情部分的解讀極為關注內在,縈繞于心。華沙愛樂提供了堅實的支持,聲音和平衡都是很好的典范。
日本音樂網站mikiki收錄了日本音樂雜志intoxicate2020 2月號對鋼琴家李云迪先生最新專輯《肖邦鋼琴協奏曲全集》的樂評:
I heard him play the Chopin No. 1 in Cincinnati and met him briefly. Then he recorded it for DG in London (Philharmonia/ Andrew Davis; May/June 2007). That recording immediately became one of the very best—almost on the level of the priceless Gilels/Ormandy. He already knew that romanticism is not just feeble sighing but involves ardor and passion—but always seasoned with poetry and elegance and sheer tonal beauty. That Concerto 1 was unfortunately coupled with Liszt’s No. 1—a vastly inferior piece. I’m inclined to say that any virtuoso can play Liszt, but very few can do justice to Chopin. Yundi should not bother with Liszt.
我曾在辛辛那提聽過他演奏肖邦第一鋼琴協奏曲,并且與他短暫會面。之后他在DG于倫敦錄制了這首曲目 (倫敦管弦樂團/安德魯 戴維斯爵士;2007年5月/6月)。那張錄音立刻就躋身頂尖行列-幾乎達到了與無與倫比的吉列爾斯/奧曼迪的版本所相當的高度。他已經懂得浪漫主義不僅僅是微弱的嘆息,而是也包含著熾熱與激情-但這份熱情又總是有詩意,優雅及純粹的音調之美為之潤色。不幸的是,當時的專輯把肖邦第一鋼琴協奏曲與李斯特第一鋼琴協奏曲-這樣一部總體上要次之的作品,組合在一起。我傾向于認為任何藝術大師都可以演奏李斯特,但很少有人能表達出肖邦的精髓。云迪不必去演奏李斯特。
This time around he has wisely coupled the two Chopin concertos. And this time around he does not have to keep up with a conductor who is inclined to rush a little. (He conducts from the keyboard.) Every movement in Concerto 1 is a little slower here than on DG. The DG orchestral sound is closer-up, which has benefits; but so does the rich hall sound here, which is similar to the Naxos recordings with this orchestra (and may influence the tempos). It’s very much back-in-the-hall sound, adding a microphone on the piano. The piano sounds better here than on DG—gorgeous tone. The orchestra is warm, never clinical, not too detailed. I prefer the bassoon solos on the DG, but not if that means giving up the sound of the hall here (the National Philharmonie in Warsaw). If the Polish bassoon soloist simply played a bit louder it might have helped. He is a little too subtle.
There are no recording dates anywhere here, but I assume these were recorded in August 2017 when he played the concertos in Warsaw and other Polish cities with this orchestra. He was 35 years old. He was the youngest winner of the Chopin Competition in 2000 (age 18). Later he also became the youngest judge at that competition. Like the people who run the Chopin competition I can find no fault with his Chopin— it is simply perfect. Never does Chopin sound like Liszt or Beethoven here; he is always utterly himself. He is always poetic and beautiful—sometimes delightfully delicate and gentle—but nothing is exaggerated. That does not mean this recording displaces others we have seriously recommended. It just belongs in the same short list or on the same shelf in your library.