清朝末年,國力日衰,外國貨幣大量涌入中國市場,傳統的制錢貨幣流通體制幾近崩潰。清政府于光緒二十六年( 1900) 由兩廣總督李鴻章主持,仿照港仙鑄行“光緒元寶”機制銅元,以抵制外國銅元,救濟“錢荒”。此是為中國鑄行銅元之肇始。依據資料顯示“光緒元寶”當時共十九個省局鑄造。除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆在其正面上緣鐫寫省名。計有:1戶部;2北洋;3吉林;4奉天;5清江;6浙江;7江南;8廣東;9山東;10福建;11湖南;12湖北;13四川;14江西;15河南;16安徽;17廣西;18新疆;19黑龍江。
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the decline of national power and the influx of foreign currencies into the Chinese market, the traditional money making and circulation system nearly collapsed. In 1900, the Qing government was presided over by Li Hongzhang, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, who cast the "Guangxu Yuanbao" mechanism copper yuan in imitation of Hong Kong immortals to resist foreign copper yuan and relieve the "money shortage". This is the beginning of copper yuan casting in China. According to the data, "Guangxu Yuanbao" was cast in 19 provinces at that time. In addition to the central household department, the copper yuan cast by the local province is engraved with the provincial name on the upper edge of its front. There are: 1 household; 2 Beiyang; 3 Jilin; 4 Fengtian; 5 Qingjiang; 6 Zhejiang; 7 Jiangnan; 8 Guangdong; 9 Shandong; 10 Fujian; 11 Hunan; 12 Hubei; 13 Sichuan; 14 Jiangxi; 15 Henan; 16 Anhui; 17 Guangxi; 18 Xinjiang; 19 Heilongjiang.
[collection name]: Hubei Province made "Guangxu Yuanbao" Qiqian dichotomy
The official coinage of silver dollar in Qing Dynasty began in 1890 and started in Guangdong Province. After 1893, Hubei, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces followed the example of Guangdong Province and forged their own silver coins. After September 1910, the Qing government issued the "rules of currency system", which stipulated that silver yuan (including silver and seven coins) was the national currency. To the thirty fourth year of Guangxu. The imperial court cast and circulated coins in three grades, namely, seven money and two cents (one yuan), one money and four cents (two jiao), and seven cents and two cents (one jiao). Coins are mainly minted in Tianjin mint, and also in four branches of Beiyang, Nanyang (Jiangnan), Hubei and Guangdong, but the circulation is not large, so the treasures of Guangxu Yuanbao are not common.
Guangxu Yuanbao is not only a fine coin in modern times, but also a revolution of high value. The earth shaking and turbulent wind and rain in the late Qing Dynasty are recorded in this small coin one by one. Therefore, whether it is for personal hobby or collection investment, it is a very worthy behavior.
此枚湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分。大小合適,尺寸頗佳。錢幣正面珠圈內鑄滿漢文“光緒元寶”,珠圈外上環鑄刻“湖北省造”,左右兩邊各鑄十字星,下環鑄“庫平七錢二分”,字體端莊工整,挺拔俊秀,筆法流暢,十分俊美。錢幣背面中心為蟠龍圖案,紋理清晰,線條優美,龍麟細膩,定睛一看猶如一條翱翔天際的神龍,讓人嘆為觀止。背面上環英文:Hubei Province(湖北省造),下環依舊鐫刻英文:7MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS (庫平七錢二分),左右各鑄十字星,小巧精美,玲瓏可愛,藝術價值極高。藏品包漿自然淳厚,品相完好,形制規整,質地優良,字體筆法流暢,紋飾刻制工細。為晚晴時期試鑄樣幣,此種錢幣存世量稀少,具有不錯的收藏價值。
This piece is made of Guangxu Yuanbao in Hubei Province, with seven coins and two cents. It's a good size. On the front of the coin, the Pearl circle is full of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, on the outside of the Pearl circle, the upper ring is engraved with "made in Hubei Province", the left and right sides are respectively engraved with Cross stars, and on the lower ring is engraved with "Kuping seven coins and two cents". The font is dignified, neat, straight and handsome, with fluent writing style and very beautiful. In the center of the back of the coin is a coiled dragon with clear texture, beautiful lines and delicate dragon Lin. it looks like a dragon flying in the sky, which is amazing. The upper ring on the back is in English: Hubei Province (made in Hubei Province), while the lower ring is still engraved in English: 7mace and 2 candareens (seven coins and two cents for Kuping). Cross stars are cast on the left and right, which are small, exquisite, lovely and of high artistic value. The collection is natural and thick, intact in appearance, regular in shape, fine in texture, fluent in writing style and fine in decoration. For the late Qing Dynasty, this kind of coin is rare and has a good collection value.
There were a lot of Guangxu Yuanbao cast at that time, but it is very rare that they are completely preserved to today after the chaos of the Republic of China. Guangxu Yuanbao, which has historical value, research value, ornamental value and collection value, has already become a popular collection in the collection market. With the gradual deepening of the understanding of the collection by the collectors, its value-added space is bound to be huge, which is worth appreciating and collecting by the majority of collectors.