This currency system uses gold as the standard price, but the actual domestic circulation is silver dollars, which are circulated according to the value of gold and are the symbol of the value of gold. When there were no conditions for the implementation of the gold standard system, it was generally advocated that the silver standard system should be implemented first. Under this premise, the "two yuan dispute" of the currency unit also occurred. Some people claim that silver dollar weighs one or two, and some people advocate seven dollars and two cents, that is,.yuan.
The silver coin of the Qing Dynasty was one yuan long, and it was cast by the Tianjin Mint General Factory in 1913. At that time, the Qing government wanted to unify the currency system and hired senior overseas technicians to carefully design and manufacture this set of Xuantong three-year Qing Qing silver coins. There are six or seven types of layouts, and Long Beard is one of them. The new coin has just been successfully tested and coincided with the Wuchang Uprising, so most of the new silver coins still have a small amount of sample coins in the womb. The long-bearded dragon is named because of the special features of the dragon head on the back, which belongs to the nature of the sample. It is paid attention to because of its exquisite patterns and scarce existence.The coin is a three-year-old Xulong gold coin of the Qing dynasty. It is evenly packed and has good quality. It is a classic machine-made coin in the late Qing Dynasty.
袁大頭是民國時期流通貨幣之一,全稱“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。 袁大頭”在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶,它是中國近千種近代銀幣中流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色。具有極其重要的歷史意義,民國建立后,中央財政幾乎有出無入,財政危機十分嚴重。從短期來說,發行紙幣亦不失為斂財妙法,只是紙幣是銀元的代表者,是兌換券,若沒有銀元的充分準備和廣泛流通,紙幣信用亦難確立。此時此刻,幣制改革已是刻不容緩———“袁大頭”銀元正是基于此而誕生的,也是銀元發展的必然結果。經過多年鑄造,加上其信譽很高,“袁大頭”數量增多,流通漸廣,雖僻處邊陬,也有其蹤跡。“袁大頭”銀元的通行促進了銀元的統一,也為“廢兩改元”準備了條件。隨近年錢幣市場不斷升溫袁大頭也成為了收藏品投資的寵兒,此枚袁大頭字體勁道,凹凸有致,背嘉禾顆粒飽滿,實屬精品。是一件不可多得收藏投資佳品。
Yuan Datou was one of the currencies in circulation during the Republic of China period, and its full name was "Yuan Shikai resembles a silver coin of Jiahe". "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of the silver dollar in the currency collection industry. It is the most widely circulated and most influential silver dollar variety among China's thousands of modern silver coins. It is also an important role in the modern Chinese currency system reform. It has extremely important historical significance After the establishment of the Republic of China, the central government ’s finances were almost inaccessible, and the financial crisis was very serious. In the short term, the issuance of paper money is also a good way to gather money, but paper money is the representative of silver dollars, and is a voucher. Circulation makes it difficult to establish the credit of paper money. At this moment, the reform of the currency system is an urgent task-the "Yuan Datou" silver dollar was born based on this, and it is also an inevitable result of the development of the silver dollar. The number of "Yuan Datou" has increased and the circulation has become wider. Although there are traces in remote areas, the passage of "Yuan Datou" silver dollars has promoted the unification of silver dollars, and has also prepared conditions for "abolition of two reforms." Yuan Datou has also become a darling of investment in collectibles. This Yuan Datou font is strong, uneven, and full of Jiahe particles. , It is fine. Is a rare collection of investment share.